Outlook 2007 unable to receive email. Work from home, able to send email but not receive email for either of my two accounts (Gmail and work); suddenly started during the day without any other noticeable changes; has continued for 4 days. Has been working fine for 18 months on Windows 7 HP laptop. Disabled and then removed Avast anti-virus: no change. Not running Zone Alarm. Removed Outlook and reloaded (with all updates): no change. Removed and then recreated both email accounts: no change. Did multiple successful “repair” on each account: no change. Took laptop to another location to eliminate possibility of problems with router or ISP (AT&T): no change. Following add-ins are active: iTunes, Microsoft conferencing, Exchange unified messaging, SharePoint server colleague, VBA for Outlook, Outlook backup, Change notifier, search email indexer.
When F9 request to send/receive or automated, progress shows sending of email and “live meeting transport” but does not show the two email accounts receiving anything. I’m able to check email from web sites but not from Outlook so I know there is email to be received.
Any suggestions (other than to reload Windows) greatly appreciated.