I’m running beta Office 2010 to bring myself up to date with Windows Office suite.
I also want to familiarize myself with Outlook - so that I can respond to questions from clients
And obviously I need my avast5 Free to run well with these programs
I have added an ihug email address
the screenshot below is Mail Shield → Expert Settings → SSL Accounts
I’m sure there should be a question in there somewhere ?
As all this is is a statement no mention of any problem/s that you hinted at in the other topic.
Oh yes there should be a question in there David but I don’t know as yet what it should be.
I’m a bit busy but I do intend to have a good look at Outlook sometime today.
Basically what you see is the default as far as I can tell. I havent even checked my mail yet.
But li have to start to somewhere - I imagine the question will come - like you say
Edit - Its 6am next morning, I’ve been doing things since midnight but have few minutes to spend on Outlook.
I’ve just manged to set my opening email page for easy access - only the one account @ihug.co.nz
ihug was independent NZ company bought by Vodafone - Outlook finds the company easy enough
I set ihug as default opening page - basics seem to work okay - still need to import my Address Book
all connections settings appear set and I have left as such - haven’t disabled anything
screenshot above appears avast default SSL setting - I have deleted entry, Restarted, and entry is back
In all my other computers, Mail Shield> Expert Settings> SSL - has no entries at all (= no Outlook)
So it this normal?
screenshot attached to this post shows files scanned in last week (23) - very quiet times lately