Outlook email setup HELP?

Hi guys I my using avast home have outlook I use the avast outlook\exchange module with it my question is can I also use the internet mail module with outlook will that work together or should I only need the outlook\exchange module.
Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Hey Kangaroo,
It’s radicalb21. First let me welcome you to are forum. First if you are using Outlook Express you need to use the Internet Mail module. If you are using Microsoft Outlook you need to use the Outlook/Exchange module. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Kangaroo, yes, the both modules work togheter, one for full Outlook (the plugin) and another to email clients like Outlook Express (the provider). Wellcome :wink:

I am new to Avast and this forum. I have had Avast professional installed for a week. I use Outlook for my email and For a day or so the outlook exchange seemed to be working. The icon would come up when i was downloading my mail. Then it just stopped ! Now under control panel I get the message “The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start” for outlook exchange. I’ve tried to reinstall to no avail. Any ideas ?


I forgot to add … I have tried outlook express and incredimail and my mail is scanned with them, Avast just won’t scan any mail coming through outlook . Thanks for any help you can give


If you go to MS Outlook > Help menu > About dialog > see if avast plugin is disabled ::slight_smile:

Thanks I’ll try it
