New user of Avast, very impressed so far. One issue so far:
When I open the Avast! On-access Scanner, the Outlook/Exchange
provider is not running. I have the following message:
The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start.
I am running:
Win 2000 Pro
Outlook 2000
POP3 mail - no Exchange Server.
I hope that I am protected by the Internet Mail Provider, but I want to be certain that I am protected from mail viruses. Is there anything I can do to start up the Outlook provider?
Where were you sending Eicar from? I mean - avast! shouldn’t allow an “infected” e-mail to be sent - so if you download it and send by e-mail from your Outlook (again to yourself), you should get the virus warning.
I downloaded the file and sent a copy to myself. Outlook warned me that I was trying to send a potentially dangerous file, but let me do it. I never heard from Avast! on either end. The file went through without recognition by Outlook or Avast!.
Hmmm… Igor, if the user receive the email without warning something is wrong, isn’t it? He uses Outlook (not Express) and the provider is not running as he say in the first post.
Why don´t you try to start the provider (if it is not running…)?
Are you using the Home or the Profesional version?
If the provider is not running and you can send and receive an file you are definitively not protected…
Several reboots later, I now see an Avast! Outlook/Exchange plug-in screen that displays over the Outlook 2000 splash screen. That wasn’t happening when I first loaded Avast!. Next time you might want to ask your newbies if they see that happening when they load Outlook.
I now receive the warning dialog when I attempt to send the file. Excellent…
I’m going to look in to the Professional version.
Thanks, guys for a good product and great support!
I’m glad to hear that it works now… even though we don’t know what the original problem was. Maybe Outlook needed some time to get used to the new plugin? ;D
Who knows when you are dealing with Micro$oft’s products. I actually think that there may have been a few McAfee droppings left in there somewhere (since I had difficulty uninstalling it in order to assess Avast!).
To get rid from a previous antivirus, maybe you want to use PowerTools. It is a very powerful registry power tools, with lots of extra options. Unfortunately, it´s now a shareware. Other option is Easy Cleaner. Try other links here.
You said the real truth: with MS we never know…
We do not ask you about the spash screen over Outlook 2000 because you said Outlook/Exchange: The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start. This was enough for us! Anyway, you are not my newbie because I am another avast! user like you…