Outlook/Exchange Provider


for the Outlook/Exchange PlugIn i get the message “The Provider is waiting for a subsystem to start”.

Is this a normal message, or do i have to start something manually? It is the latest AvastSBSsuite on a SBS2003 with latest Patch.


The Outlook/Exchange provider protects MS Outlook and/or Exchange Client, so it is waiting unless one of these mail programs is running.

Outlook/Exchange is running on the Server and on the client. But on both i get the above message!


I don’t understand, what is running on the server and on the client ?

Exchange: SBS2003
Outlook: Clients

What Outlook version is on clients ?

Outlook12 (office2007)

So even when the Outlook is started, the provider is waiting ? If so, check if the plugin is not disabled in Outlook (menu Tools → Trust center → Add-ins → Manage Disabled items). If it is, remove it from disabled items.

This was the solution! But i did not disable the provider! Very strange! Anyhow: THANKS A LOT!

we have the same issue with windows 2003 server and exchange 2003. Matter fact email just quit shut down avast and back up. any one with any clue why?