Outlook Express 6.0

Does this program work with Outlook Express 6.0. In the control panel in avast in ony mentions Outlook/Exchange

Any Input on this would be very helpful, as I only use Outlook Express 6.0 as my Email Client

cbkitt :o ???

I believe it only works for the full outlook version (which comes with MS office XP). You will have to set up pop3 and smtp automatically.

Hope this helps.


Avast works just fine with OE6. The module MS Outlook/Exchange only runs if you have the program installed. OE works off of the Internet Mail module in the On Access Protection Control.

No configuration is necessary.

Thanks for your help! ::slight_smile:

really? because it has never worked for me… Or do you mean the plugin only works if you have MS outlook installed, not the plugin works with OE6?


Avast has always worked fine for me with O.E. express without any problems. Avast also works with other e-mail type Pop3 programs.

The Outlook/Exchange provider only works with MS Outlook (not OE) or MS Exchange mail clients.

The Internet Mail provider works for many non-outlook/exchange clients such as OE. If you have Outlook Express you need to ahve the Internet Mail provider running for protection.

Ok, that’s what I thought. Thanks.