Hello, I’m havng a problem when Outlook Express & Avast! AntiVirus Professonal; i cheack email an everything but Avast! does’nt scann anything i tried changing the ports on my outlook express an then it cant connect to get email i changed it within Avast4.ini (like the help file said) still no help also it says; " The Provider is waiting for a SubSystem to start"
i don’t understand this… if anyone would be so kind in help me …
If provider “Internet Mail” is waiting for a subsystem to start, it means that mail scanner process (ashMaiSv.exe) is not running. Start it (it is in avast4 folder) and you can also create a shortcut to it in Startup folder.
“Outlook/Exchange” protects MS Outlook (not Express) and Exchange client. It is waiting because you don’t use them, it’s OK. “Internet Mail” is for all other mail programs, e.g Outlook Express. So you should look at statistics of “Internet Mail”.
Try to correct the avast instalation (if necessary) at Add/Remove Programs applet of Control Panel.
If you are using Norton Antivirus, search foruns itens to correct the Windows Registry (dos under XP and cannot run .exe files…).
By the way, are some questions about erros (bugs?) stopping and starting the residents that avast team does not answer yet >:(