Hi - after installing Avast my OE does not work - does anybody know the reason?
I’m not sure but, did you run Mail Protection Wizard after avast installation?
You can reach it by Start Menu > avast antivirus
You can choose the second option (not Outlook/Exchange) and all your email accounts could be configurated to use avast automatically (even those ones created in the future).
Did you use a firewall?
what do you mean by doesn’t work?..it doesn’t start at all or it can’t check mails anymore?
please be more specific about your problem…
Thanks for your replies!!!
I now found out the reason is my Firewall - installed a complete new one - but the same problem. I have to stop my firewall to get my emails - its boaring, but I m not able to configure this firewall he now understands Avast is my email-master… :-\
Is there a anyone who can help me PLEASE
which firewall are you using?
Hi shgoh
I m using Sygate Personal Firewall
Do you know how to set Avast for Outlook in it?
Would be great!!
i’m sorry sina…it’s been a long time since i last used sygate…i kind of forgot how it works…
but then many avast users here use sygate without any problems…sasha is one of them (sz craftec)…try to contact him…i’m sure he’s more than happy to help you out…
Thank you shgoh - without doing anything new it now works - funny, isnt it?
Hope this will last…