Outlook Express, Incredimail & Stationery

This is not an important issue, it’s just that I’m curious ;D

In the last upgrade you now have the option to change the format of “insert note into clean message”.

If you send or receive an email through Outlook Express using plain text or rich text (HTML) and, plain text in Incredimail the messages appear at the end of the email.

However, if you use the stationery in Outlook Express or select a background in Incredimail no messages appear.

Why ???

I know the messages aren’t that important but, it shows the emails are scanned before sending and it also acts as a bit of advertising for avast :smiley:

Keep up the good work on what must be now one of the best antivirus products around :wink:

Maybe the HTML code of the inserted messages isn’t completely compatible with the HTML code generated by the e-mail program, or the notes are not inserted correctly, in the cases you are describing… the author may have some explanation when he’s around.

oh how i hate this ???

i read it all…i understood nothing ;D

no message here either…i have incredimail and an gmx.net email account…but my ISP isn’t identical with my email provider…

i changed the outgoing server in incredim. to and i can see the little message that it scans the outgoing mail… so that works…but i dont get the message that the email is scanned when my test email comes back in

also i am not sure if the incoming mail gets scanned because i can’t see i any way that a scan is/was running

when i set my incoming server to it wont work at all and i get the message “operation incomplete”

u already figured…i am the expert a la carte ;D …so feel free to act like u would deal with a moron on my end and i will understand it


moron :wink:

Did you also change the username (to name#server) ?
Is there a detailed error message ?

no just the message on top of incredimail window “operation incomplete” nothing else…

do u mean username in incredimail >account properties >server> incoming server? no…i didnt :-\ should i? to what?

o how i hate this

i tried it again now and my test mail is going out from incredimail and goes in in outlook express…both scanned…

but it still doesnt reach incredimail (again operation incomplete)

and still no notice in mail that it has been scanned ???

o how i hate this

I´m just trying to send a email from Incredimail and I cannot do anything…
I changed the POP and SMTP servers to
I changed the user account to user#pop…

I couldn´t send any email… :cry:

what do you guys mean with >>> user#pop… ???

in going or out going? and wth is user#pop ??

can u give an example what to write exaxtly?

o how i hate this

da moron ;D

See ‘Setting up the Mail Protection → Manual setting of mail protection’ in avast help for description of mail account modifications.

As usually my first question is: what error messages does Incredimail display during send/receive attempt ?

I just downloaded the program, Avast 4, and now my OE keeps asking me for a password. No matter what I put in there, it it won’t work! Now I feel dumb, lol, what is the problem? I have Windows 98SE, and I also use Mail Washer, with which I can see my email, but not download it to OE.

What can I do?
Thanks, herpgal

Did you try to use the link “Mail Protection Wizard” in the Windows Menu?
I suggest remove avast protection from the emails (2nd option), start Outlook Express (do not download emails because you´re not protected), close Outlook, use Mail Protection Wizard again choosing the 1st option (with the checkbox “Automatically protect… in the future”. I use Outlook Express and MailWasher too, this operation works to me when “anything” happens with the password. Good luck. :wink:

Thanks for your reply…but I don’t know what the email protection wizard is, or where to find it. ???
I need just a tad more instruction.
Thanks again, herpgal

Choose Start → avast! antivirus → Mail Wizard Protection from your Start Menu Programs (Windows).
Or, type “C:\Program Files\ … \Avast4\ashPopWz.exe” on Run command from Windows Menu (the … is where you install the avast! program).
Good luck. Cheers. :wink:

;D Thanks so much for your assistance! IT WORKED!!
So happy, lol! Hope someday I can help someone.
Thanks again,

I´m happy with you. Come back to foruns and help the others.
We´re the best antivirus forum ;D

Mah Sistah !! I never knew I had a twin. Didja get this fixed or are you being kept for observation at the local mental health facility? By The Way : Love Your Signature line !!

I have followed the above steps.

My computer says “Please enter your user name and password for the following server”

I have.

It doesn’t work.

My user name was rejected.

Aaaarrrggghhhhh …

Nikita, see answers to your questions in other foruns (that you have posted) ;D