Outlook Express problem

Hi, I installed Avast on my mom’s computer a few months ago. She told me she hadn’t had this problem until after using Avast.
The problem is with her email software. Outlook express. She says when she writes a long email and she tries to send it, she gets an error message.

Here is the message she gets.
Msimn caused an exception C0000006h in module Directdb.dll
The message could not be sent. There is not enough Disk space.

Is this problem caused by a virus or what. Avast isn’t finding a virus or spyware. I also run weekly Ad-Aware and Spybots. Besides running the through virus scan with Avast, weekly. I try to maintain her older computer, Win 98SE. Mom is 75 and it could be something she might be doing to cause this.

Twice I have renamed the folder.dbx, to get outlook express to build a new folder. But it doesn’t seem to be working to fix the problem.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

MSIMN Microsoft Internet Mail and News (Microsoft Outlook Express)
Well since neither are avast files I don’t see how it could be avast and it is more likely to be a co-incidence.

This MS Knowledge Base article seems to relate to the problem, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/225867

Also about directdb.dll errors, http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintaskspro/processlibrary/directdb/

Windows errors related to directdb.dll ? directdb.dll is a process associated with Microsoft Direct Database API from Microsoft Corporation.

directdb.dll is not a critical component.

Thought I’m unsure how or why this dll would be running if non essential.

Also, http://www.xtra.co.nz/help/0,,5721-2446931,00.html and http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winme/1053421172.

Some the hits on the dll and error suggest what you have done but renaming folders.dbx to folders.old and that worked. Some seem to feel it is a too large dbx file like the inbox.dbx if it is used for general storage rather than a pending tray then put emails in a more appropriate folder.