I am a new Avast user & am having problems setting up Outlook to work with Avast.
I tried these instructions:
avast! - POP3 and SMTP settings
avast! 4 appears to change my POP3 and SMTP settings to and the names of my e-mail accounts are also modified, so I cannot send any messages. Why is this?
avast! needs to change those settings, otherwise it couldn´t scan your e-mail messages. But it shouldn´t cause any problems with sending or receiving messages. If you have problems, however, follow these steps:
Close Outlook Express.
Start Mail Protection Wizard and select "Automatically remove protection from all my accounts.
Start Outlook Express.
In Outlook Express, check the server addresses and user name. If you don´t know the appropriate values, ask your Internet Service Provider.
Close Outlook Express (very important!!!).
Start Mail Protection Wizard again.
Select “Set up the protection manually”.
Select “I don´t use MS Outlook…”
Follow the instructions.
At the end you can start Outlook Express again. The addresses of POP and SMTP servers will be changed and your login name modified, but it will work.
However, when I go to 7. Set up the protection manually, it won’t allow me to do this on the wizard? I cannot select that option & so cannot complete the rest of the instructions.
I have turned Avast off for email atm but would like to use the full range of Avast to see if it suits me before I buy the full version.
I did ever use Outlook Express when my old laptop using Win XP. I just installed avast! and everything worked with default configuration.
Now I’m using Mozilla Thunderbird on my Vista instead Windows Mail, but avast! works fine on both of them. Beside today most of email server already have their own SSL, so avast! does not scan email trough that line.
What is your OS, as this behaviour is correct for win9x, winME to enable the Internet Mail to redirect your email through its localhost proxy, so that the email can be scanned.
What would be helpful is the full text or the error message ?
Hi & thank you for your replies. My OS is XP & the error message is as follows:
The server responded with an error. Account: ‘mail.bigpond.com’, Server: ‘mail.bigpond.com’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:20, processes:ccSvcHst.exe[19], msimn.exe[1]), there is a collision with another program’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90
I installed avast! free and none of the settings in Outlook Express have changed and everything works fine. It’s scanning both incoming and outgoing mail. It did not change any of the server settings or anything else.
To quote >>>“there is a collision with another program” <<<
That might be the problem.
You say you are a user new to Avast…what anti-virus program did you have prior to Avast, and have you uninstalled that propram fully and cleanly ?
Do you happen to have had Norton on your machine? Or even worse, do you have it on your machine at the moment? I’m asking this since you seem to have its remaining.
You may be having a conflict issue. Download Norton Removal Tool. You may need to reinstall Avast!, though.
I could not and had to make sure that I used the Outlook Express ports recommended by my ISP.
Looking at the setup I now see that it is using SSL.
When my ISP changed this a wile back all of a sudden my email stopped working with the same failure as jo24 so I had to have my ISP walk me through the setup to get the email to work both sending and receiving.
As each ISP may have their own way they set this up I would have the ISP Help Desk provide support for correct setup.
DavidR asked jo24 if the OS is 98/ME (95 based one) or XP/Vista (NT based one) since, as you know, OE doesn’t need to be configured for XP/Vista as Dch48 confirmed. Jo24 read the instruction for 98/ME and tried to set up following the wrong instruction, which is probably why the option cannot be selected. If there are no other factors, and, if jo24 didn’t do anything like Dch48, then, there shouldn’t be a problem. Configuring OE, following the instruction of ISP, should be enough.
However, I happened to notice that ccSvcHst.exe belongs to Norton. As you know, it’s not good to have two regident anti-virus applications at the same time. So, I recommended jo24 to remove Norton completely.
Now you recommended jo24 to use Stunnel. You are right in that the Internet Mail Provider of Avast! 4 cannot scan secured connections but probably we’d better wait a reply from jo24…I guess we rushed to offer too many helps at the same time.
As has been pointed out on other posts, with XP you don’t need to run the Email Wizard and more importantly you have remnants of Norton and should run the removal tool in the link given by Rumpel in Reply #6.
You may also have to run the email wizard again and remove the protection, e.g. set the OE email account settings back to normal and not the, etc.
There is no need for STunnel as the error message clearly states that there is no SSL (Secure(SSL): No) used.
Thank you everyone for your replies! I have been interstate all day with no internet access & have only read this thread now. I did indeed have Norton installed & will need to remove all residuals as you have advised & see if that works.