Outlook Filters not working

After the install of free home 7 on both XP and windows 7 all jusk filters have stop working. Junk mail now is in my inbox. good work :frowning:

+1 with Outlook 2007.

Do we know if it’s going to work with Lotus Notes 8.5 ???

Is there going to be a fix soon for the filters? – and I’m still asking about Lotus Notes – will it work with 8.5


I had to reset the redirect settings for the ports used by mail protocols and revert the mail application to use ports as specified by the providers, when I upgrade from Avast 6 to 7.
Log on didn’t work with Google Mail IMAPI via SSL after the upgrade.
So my mail app’s work fine now, but doesn’t look like any mail gets scanned, the web shield doesn’t seem to scan pages either.

What does this have to do with the Junk mail filters?

Cheyenne: thanks for reporting, it will be fixed in the final release due out later this week or early next week

Thank You


Yes, I have had the same problem.

See the post at:


It’s OK I fixed it.