Outlook Plugin Error [?log@clog@@... could not be located...]

I have been using avast quiet successfully over the past several months. I started with a demo version of avast, and then entered a free serial number i obtained from avast. Around this time i started to experience problems with the plugin to outlook, namely errors are displayed during outlook startup, and avast nolonger scans my e-mails. I’ve had a bit of a poke around the avast and outlook settings, and i noticed that avast is supposted to uses the ip address to route e-mails through. I have also recently installed apache web server to my machine, which also uses this ip address…could this be the source of my problems? Can i change the ip address that avast uses?

WinXP Pro SP1, plus some updates (may not be very recent…been busy lately)
Outlook2002 SP2
Apache Web serever also working on

Error Messages:
“The proceedure entry point ?log@clog@@…etc could not be located in the dynamic link library aswCmnB.dll”
“Avast: Unable to connect to the avast engine. Asats mail protection cannot be started”
“The addin “AshOutXt.dll” could not be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using detect and repair on the help menu. Unable to load “AshOutXt.dll” You may be out of memory, out of system resources, or missing a .dll file.”

I have done detect and repair of both outlook and avast, done a uninstall/reboot/remove avast dir/reinstall of avast. and still get the same error. Even after and uninstall of avast, i can still see the avast plugin in the plugin manager of outlook.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi, try to find extend.dat on your disk and delete it. Outlook uses this file for storing some data about plugins. pavels


I to have encountered the same error as nathanhaigh with regards to this outlook error;

Error Messages:
“The proceedure entry point ?log@clog@@…etc could not be located in the dynamic link library aswCmnB.dll”
“Avast: Unable to connect to the avast engine. Asats mail protection cannot be started”
“The addin “AshOutXt.dll” could not be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using detect and repair on the help menu. Unable to load “AshOutXt.dll” You may be out of memory, out of system resources, or missing a .dll file.”

I have deleted the ‘extend.dat’ file that you suggested, but to no avail. I also noticed that if I search again after restarting my machine it appears again with the current date in the ‘Created On’ section?

Any help would be appreciated as I am eager to protect my mail.

Many thanks in advance.

Guys, what version of avast do you have, exactly?
The latest version is 4.1.335 and should not exhibit this problem…

I am running version 4.1.335?

  1. Can you post a screenshot?
  2. Can you check the version of the file aswCmnB.dll (located in the avast folder). Right-click it in explorer, choose Properties and move to the Version tab. Does it show 4.1.334?


I have attached a screenshot as requested for the main error that appears first.

I do get a second message saying ‘Avast unable to connect to Avast engine. Avast mail protection cannot be started’

Followed by a third error message saying 'The add-in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashOutXt.dll” could not be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect and Repair on the Help menu. Unable to load “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\a…”. You may be out of memory, out of system resources, or missing a .dll file.

I have also checked the ‘aswCmnB.dll’ file and it says that it is version number 4.1.304.0? - Although I have downloaded the latest version and this is confirmed if I try and download again?

Is this problem solved yet? I get the same error but would like to protect my e-mail with Avast…

Kind regards,


Hmmmm… ???

Why does the file have version 304???
You did a clean install, right?

I just tried a clean install of version 4.1.335, and the file aswCmnB.dll has version 4.1.334 (as expected).

You can try to uninstall the current version, download the latest version from our website ( e.g. http://download1.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupeng.exe ) and install that.

It should definitely work.

Also, make sure Outlook hasn’t disabled the plugin - Outlook About Box → Disabled Items.


Nah. I just uninstalled the software, manually removed the remaining folders, and downloaded it again at http://download1.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupdut.exe. Still not the right version.

(also tried the english version, same there…)

Kind regards,


Jaco, you seem to understand computers well… Could you please

  1. try to search the file aswCmnB.dll for the string ?log@CLog@@QAAKHKGPADQAEKZZ .
  2. if the string is not present in the file, send the file to my email address



PS. Hey you play Mafia? ;D Cool…

Searched the file. The string is present.

I mailed you the file anyway.

Kind regards,


Thanks. The file is OK.

One more thing - please do a search of all local disks for the file (aswCmnB.dll).
If there are multiple copies of the file, it’s not good. The only one that you should have is the one in the avast folder.

Found the same file in the windows\system\ folder. Version I deleted the file but the problem persists.

Kind regards,


I have also tried a clean install and I also found a duplicate ‘aswCmnB.dll’ file in the Windows\Systems folder, which I have deleted and now the first error: ‘The procedure error point ?log@CLog@@QAAKHKGPADQAEKZZ could not be located…’ has disappeared, but I still have the error: “Avast: Unable to connect to the avast engine. Asats mail protection cannot be started” followed by error message saying 'The add-in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashOutXt.dll” could not be installed or loaded. ???

There are problably other files in \windows\system.



Delete them all.


I found aswCmnOS.dll in the windows\system32 folder. I deleted the file and now the error messages disappeared!

Thanks for the help! :smiley:

Kind regards,



Thanks you VLK & Jaco for the help

Best wishes - Paul

I have been busy and unable to contribute since my initial post, but i have just checked back to see that the problem seems to have been solved.

I too found a couple of the files you suggested in the system32 folder, and deleted them…outlook now loads without any warning messages and the splash screen pops up as expected, and virus scanning has resumed! YES!

Thanks for your hard work in tracking down the problem! Was this a bug with avast or is it a problem with something on our systems?

Thanks again

We have absolutely no idea who or what placed the avast DLLs in the system folder.

Anyway, we’ve changed the avast updater so that starting with the next program update, it will explicitly look for these files in Windows system folders and if found, will nuke them immediately. You’re probably not the only ones with the same problem. Maybe some very old version of avast setup/updater had a bug that could cause placing the files to incorrect locations…

Anyway, thanks for helping to track this down,