(Outlook) Provider is waiting for subsystem to start


under Outlook/Exchange I got the message:
provider is wating for subsystem to start

I started the ashMaisv.exe and also started the popwizzard. I tried all kinds of possibilities, automatically (with a smtp and pop), tried to manually fix it. nothing, outlook doesn’t scan the mails. I also uninstalled avast an installed it and also nothing. the strage thing is that on my desktop PC this feature works. on the notebook, where I try to use it, it has worked afaik for 1 month and now I realized that the mails are not scanned any more. Maybe there is someone out there who can help

Do you use Outlook or Outlook Express ?

Provider “Outlook/Exchange” is only for MS Outlook, not Express. For other mail programs there is the provider “Internet Mail”.

This is normal.

This provider is only active if Outlook is running. If it’s not running, the provider is waiting for a subsystem [i.e. Outlook] to start.
