I’m sorry, but I cannot read your fonts. Perhaps you may want to try posting in our Japanese forum: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=29.0. Thank you, and welcome to the forum.
xmastree さん
申し訳ないのですが、こちらのメインフォーラムは基本的に英語のみとなっており、各国語でのサポートは下記のInternational Zoneで行われています。
Problem as follows:
avast!5 Pro
Everytime he tries to send e-mails with attachment, he gets “No response from SMTP server within 60 seconds” error.
Without attachment or Mail shield disabled, no error appears and the mail is sent normally.
Any ideas? I don’t have enough ideas about this problem, so if you have some, please post here.
I don’t know if this link will help the OP or not: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=458.
Can we get more information from the OP:
What other security software do you currently have or did you have in the past on this machine including antivirus (AV), firewall (FW), and other security programs (resident and on-demand)? If they were in the past, how did you remove them (the vendor’s uninstaller’s tool or another way)?
Thank you for the info. I’ll ask him/her to check these.
I finally found some topics about this via forum search… they’re rather old topic (around 2004), but hope they solve this.
Thank you for your help in translating.