Outpost 2009 free edition


Another free firewall available now. Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

It was about time. Their old free version was so outdated it was useless at best.
No Vista support though ::slight_smile:

Looks like it supports Vista if you read highlights above but doesn’t mention Vista under requirements…

wow, thats great!

I really like Outpost FW (many times more than comodo or any other one…)
and this free edition seems to be a good package :smiley:

but what means “multilanguage support” is that just support in case of problems, or does this mean that the product just provides few language-edition (for example only an english version…)?

Yes I like the Outpost Firewall I have been using it for well over 6 years. First I had the free 1.0 version and they had a deal lifetime license so I bought it when it was OP Pro version 3.0, so I have had a free update on all versions up to OP Pro 2009. I think you can safely say I like it ;D

what means "multilanguage support"
As far as I'm aware it means multi-language versions.

Are you sure?
It was a very good free firewall, but it was not updated from quite a long time.
Maybe market share is turning their mind :wink:

I just tried this new Outpost Free fw. I like that it’s quiet & self-configures programs & passes Shields Up.

Now for the downside, it cuts my internet speed to 1/3 to 1/4 of what I get with ZA Free. Uses more RAM than ZA.

I used Speakeasy to check my internet speed.

I got the same results with Outpost turned off. Turning off WebShield made little difference.

Am I the only one in avast! forums to try Outpost 2009 Free 6.5?

I’m thinking about trying this… but on the one hand its not available in German and on the other hand I’m happy with Windows Firewall…
(and I’m waiting for the Avast! Firewall which hopefully is going to come soon…) :slight_smile:

Hardly as my signature implies and my previous post states, I have been using OP firewall Pro 2009 from the end of August, beginning or September last year (but mine isn’t the free version mentioned) and far what your experiences were, mine resources are relatively light (see image) when compared to many other processes.

As far as using more RAM OP Pro 2009, not the free option has more functionality so my RAM use should potentially be greater than that of the restricted OP 2009 free.

Outpost also manages very good results in Tests.

See Matousec.

I’m not sure if the free version will reach the same score, but I think it won’t be so much less successfull.

I think it should still get reasonably good results as the elements that aren’t in the free version aren’t crucial in the Matousec tests as far as I’m aware. The two main ones (see image), the Firewall and the Proactive host protection (anti-leak) are also in the free version.

Hi, bear in mind this test result is with outpost 2009 pro (paid).
My ISP is att, 6.0 Mb extreme, tested atlanta GA server

Download Speed: 5788 kbps (723.5 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 432 kbps (54 KB/sec transfer rate)

Seems that is about average speed reguardless of which computer I try.

I’m using high speed cable internet, my speeds usually run between 15m to over 20m (ZA free).

With Outpost 2009 free edition I was getting from 2m to 5.4m, averaging 4.5m.

The strange thing is there was no improvement by turning off Outpost 2009 free edition.

With ZA Free off, I get an improvement in speed.

Outpost 2009 free edition must be filtering even when off ???


I’m posting here in hope of improving Outpost 2009 free edition. I think you’re a member of Outpost forum, maybe you will discuss this there.

I’ve more forum memberships than I’ve got time for. ::slight_smile:

I’m more than happy with ZA Free. ;D

It really doesn’t effect me in the way you are stating I see no adverse impact on my browsing nor excessive RAM use and I don’t have the free version but the Pro version.

I’ve installed the outpost 2009 free on a xp sp3 laptop, using avast with webshield on, opera browser. Still not much difference in what my speed normally is. :slight_smile:

Last Result: Download Speed: 5863 kbps (732.9 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 429 kbps (53.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

with web shield off:

Last Result: Download Speed: 6103 kbps (762.9 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 429 kbps (53.6 KB/sec transfer rate)


I don’t know what to tell you.

My normal speed is much faster than yours. My XP Sp3 desktop was downloading slow with Outpost 2009 Free, that is what prompted me to check my internet speed. I checked multiple times. Strangely with Outpost 2009 Free turned off, it was still running in the slow speed range.

I uninstalled OP, reinstalled ZA Free. I was back in the high speed range. With ZA Free turned off I was running faster.

I did multiple speed checks in all tests of OP & ZA.

I’m happy it works fine for you. ;D

I am also using Outpost 2009 Free 6.5. It was able to prevent leaks from the PCFlank Leaktest. I switched form Comodo because I was unable to get it to pass this test. Outpost was also able to pass the keylogger test from http://www.zemana.com/SecurityTests.aspx which Comodo failed.

With Online Armor Full my internet is faster than it is with ZA. That is quite a contrast to Outpost Free 6.5! With OA Full my internet is faster, while with Outpost Free 6.5 it’s drastically slower.

Currently OA Full (pay for) is tops in Matousec’s firewall tests.

OA Free & Outpost Free 6.5 are virtually tied. OA is secure & fast!

I tried OA Free but found that it dramatically slowed down my boot time and pestered me with way too many alerts. The new Outpost is a much improved product over its previous versions and works well for me. I may try OA again in the near future and see how it is now. Thanks!