Outpost firewall pro 2009 stops my downloads

I recently installed Outpost Firewall Pro 2009.

there is no problem when i surf the internet with Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 and avast home
but it stopped my downloads and i am not able to download anything from the internet.

please tell me the right settings for Outpost firewall pro 2009 so that it never stops my downloads.

now i have uninstalled Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 and started using Windows xp sp3 Firewall, now downloads started for me.


You may be able to find the answer here:


Or try searching here:


You may be able to find the answer here:


That link seems to explain the drastic slowdown of my internet speed with Outpost 6.5 Free. :cry:


can i use kaspersky internet security with avast by not installing KIS antivirus, only installing KIS firewall and other components.
please tell me if there are conflicts between KIS firewall + components and avast.
i think my downloads are not stopped by KIS unlike Outpost.
please give me information.