Owned by a Mediafire Banner ad. >_>

I hate those ads. >:(


Good thing we got avast! on our side^^ :slight_smile:


What if I didn’t? O_O

(Views source of infected banner webpage with a html viewer…)

Well if you want to keep looking for keygens, this is going to keep happening. And one day, Avast won’t catch it. And you’ll bork your computer.


Its a MediaFire download. >_<

Besides, the virus is the AD BANNER not the test file I made. O_O

Its a MediaFire download. >_<
SFW? It's a file hosting service. They are not responsible for what is hosted, unless someone complains about it. I'm looking at the tab open in IE that says "Flash Keygen.zip".


Itz not malware. Just a application with keys in it. O_O

You view it your way, I’ll view it mine, then.
But you should know, everywhere is the dark side. When you deliberately go looking for it, stronger is its power; more likely it is to raise its head.
You go anywhere that has the word “Keygen” in it, you’re halfway asking for it.
I’m not exactly pure as the driven snow, either, but if I got such a warning, I wouldn’t be posting it on an antimalware forum.

Put hit-banners.com in your HOSTS file.

-= This might help:

Ad-block: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865

Well thats a different story^^

Lets THINK positive for positive results^^ :slight_smile: