P2P-Protection & Instant Messaging

Just some Questions:

  1. The Instant Messaging supports ICQ. Does this also include ICQ Lite?
  2. There are many P2P-Programmes supported in avast! - some widespread others unimportant (in my opinion :D). Why is there no support for eDonkey/eMule? Are these clients immune to viruses?

Answers would be very appreciated :smiley: :wink:



e support will be added in one of the upcoming versions. :slight_smile:

WOW! Very fast answer :slight_smile:

Good to know that avast! developement moves on :smiley:



Interesting, I’d never heard the “family” name before. :wink: But it makes sense, same general idea as “xBase” programs ages ago, or “x86” processors.

Vlks quote:

LOOOOOL ;D :wink: