I’ve noticed that even though I’m running utorrent which is one of the supported programs, my Avast ‘a’ ball isn’t spinning when filesharing and the count isn’t moving when I check on the provider for the p2p shield. This is for both downloading and uploading, and for at least 3 different types of file.
Searching the board I found this post with a similar problem but it doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere…http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=21824.0
I’ve tried Normal, High, and Custom in the settings with no success; I’ve left all the torrent programs selected, and also tried deselecting all except utorrent - nothing seems to work.
Is there something I’m failing to do to set it up?
XPHome SP2, utorrent1.6, Avast4.7.892.
I was thinking more about it and realised that Avast never asked me where my P2P program was installed… does utorrent need to be installed in a particular location?
I think it’s not necessary… the traffic (connection) is monitored.
Anyway, I understand your concern, as uTorrent hasn’t any Windows Registry key… it’s a standalone installation…
utorrent.exe isn’t in my Program Files folder on the c: drive, but if I needn’t move it there then I’d rather keep it installed where it is.
Do I need to try a repair of Avast or something?
I have noticed something interesting though, when I look at the providers without full details. It appears that only Kazaa and DirectConnect (the first 4 items in the list that Avast can scan for) seem to be working? This is despite the fact that I have selected all of them.
After taking this screenshot I tried deselecting those first 4 items in the list of programs to scan for (the 2 kazaas and the 2 directconnects) in case it might then show the next 4 items from the list but it didn’t. When I did that then the little box to the right of the sensitivity slider in the picture doesn’t show anything at all under the p2p part.
I then selected only Kazaa and utorrent from the list of programs to scan, in that case the box to the right of the sensitivity slider in the ‘less details’ view shows only Kazaa under the p2pShield.
It seems then that my installation of Avast is sticking at scanning only for Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, DirectConnect, and DirectConnect++.
Unless I get any further advise here first, I’ll try removing Avast and reinstalling it again later on in the day to see if that fixes things.
I’ve now removed Avast as you described, Tech, and reinstalled it again. No change though ???
Tech, your screenshot earlier doesn’t indicate which torrent program you’re using; is it utorrent as well, or a different one?
It looks like I’m just going to have to live without a P2P shield. As long as I make sure to right-click>scan everything that I download it’s not a big deal. Avast is still the best for me.