I’m an happy customer of your Antivirus. Thanks for this.
I’m writing here because when I try to visit this url “p2p.wrox.com/content/tags/mac”, Avast block it since contains malicious content. In particular, the message I receive is the following.
Issue here: http://page2rss.com/2c35e5a4abff4ae67210ce5e1ae41f07
flagged is !{gzip} malcode Content after the < /html> tag should be considered suspicious.
Outdated software need updating: Application: vBulletin 3.6.8 - htxp://www.vbulletin.com/
This site URL may contain possible malicious scripts hosted or injected!
Solutions: Close this window, Disable JavaScript
Detected Malware: XSS URL Injection Malware
Source:htxp://www.google.com/search?client=broser&channel={browser:context}&q=%3C%21–+%2F+SmartSource+7±-%3E%3Cscript%3Eif+%28i5463+%3D%3D+null%29+%7B+var+i5463+%3D+1%3B+var+vst+%3D+String.fromCharCode%2868%29%2BString.fromCharCode%28111%29%2BString.fromCh&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t etc. etc .
Cnotes are notes on website software vulnerabilities, specifically for joomla etc.
In this case probably an input validation error was being abused by the attacker(s),
read: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/29293
An exploit for which there was no vendor applied patch (credit for this goes to Ali Jasbi mentioned on securityfocus)
That is why I gave the first link, so the security aware would know where to look and saw the pending threat of the VBulletin weakness.
I give it here in my reply as you specifically asked about the issue…
About the scan, I would not worry one bit, blocked by avast shield these binairies have not even reached your machine, so you are being protected and fully secure thanks to the avast shields. “Chapeau” again to the added protection from avast shields…