I have Avast for WHS and am getting “Package is Broken” notification when Avast tries to update. I get the same error when I try to update the AV files or the program from the console. How do I repair this on WHS?
Any ideas? I paid money for this app and it doesn’t work now.
This is ridiculous - I have a paid subscription for an app that doesn’t work and nobody can even comment with how to fix it. What a joke - pay for software and then not provide any support. Pretty sweet deal for Avast!
Any ideas at all? Still getting errors.
I would help you if I could. Just have no experience with WHS Avast!. Few users who frequent the forum do.
Perhaps you should try the ticket system>>http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=submit
Thank youfor the pointer. I tired but there is apparently another registration required. I’ll give that a go when I have time. Appreciate the help.