I installed the 30 day trial of Titanium - And now my internet died. I know this is a very popular situation, but none of them after googling seem to ever have an actual answer. I just can’t get it to work. Any Suggestions -.-
And what has this to do with Avast?
Not that we are not gonna try to help, but you posted in AVAST4 HOME/PRO forum.
If this has nothing to do with Avast it should have been in the Off-Topic forum.
(you can ask a moderator to move this thread if needed/wanted)
And before we can help you, you need to provide more information like:
What OS?
Any other av or security related software installed?
If you get an error, what is the exact error?
What have you tried sofar to solve the problem?
etc etc.
Welcome to the ‘magical’ world of the Avast board.
ok this is odd. I have no clue how it got put in here, i was in the off topic =P
This was the only forum which my google search popped up with lol.
I use XP SP1
I have Zone Alarm
No Error; just no internet connection, inconfig is blank/empty
I went to Panda’s website, they say to use this utility which was unsuccessfull for me
If I remember correctly, Panda Antivirus works at Winsock level and it could messed your TCP/IP settings. Use google to find out how to fix it…
Can you ping websites? eg www.google.com
What happens if you remove ZA (just for testing ofcourse)?
Just to add: In case your winsock is corrupted this tool should help you out. Go here http://www.snapfiles.com/get/winsockxpfix.html
Thanks for helping tECHNODROME.
We miss you… You’re not in forums lately. Welcome back 8)
We miss you... You're not in forums lately. Welcome back
I am here…Just not logged in. 8)