I was busy exploring the pandasoftware website and noticed a “free scan” button.
Knowing that I do not have virusses on my computer I still deceided to check it out.
When I started the application,…I had to install and ActiveX,…en then suddently my solid Avast! AV triggered a virus!!!
I have added a screenshot!
could it be that panda simply downloads a virus to your computer so it finds this virus and cleans it to prove how good it is???
It’s a well known False Positive. Panda Software uses unencrypted definitions which are easily picked by other antiviruses. Alwil can’t do anything about this,but you can try bugging Panda guys so they will finally encrypth this god damn file. I don’t know if they are so lazy or so stupid…
RejZor gave you the right answer. I can affirm it. With Bitdefender you are safe. Well if you are just after the latest virus definitions out, better download MacAfee’s free stinger.exe and run it. Active X free virus scans are a help, but they do not scan all - reboot. They are as they claim to be if they are fair: additional, and should be considered as such. Also running two main AV products is bad policy, they start to compete, and give bad results, because one has to have the lead. It is the same as with people installing two firewalls, thinking two is better than one. Wrong you will hamper the successful working of both.
Sometimes additional tools can be a benefit: like ScripTrap and AVAST together. Startup viewers and all. I learned all these things to protect my machine better ll doing some mileage on this forum. I am learning this way. I tell you RejZor, he is good!!
Yeah I know,…I have learned lots by browsing these fora and some others too,…
I didn’t know about this Panda thing really,…besides I fully trust on Avast! cause I am using it for about 2 years now,…and I do not believe it have ever failed me,…
I do not plan to run 2 Av’s,…even not Bitfdender,…I will stick with Avast and the additional tools like a spywarekiller ect,…and this should be pretty fine,…
Best at the moment is F-Secure and McAfee (BitDefender is also very good).
Kaspersky is still in beta,but will be available very soon. From what i have seen in beta it’s worth waiting Scanner kicks ass Too bad it doesn’t detect riskware
A forum search for panda and win32:kuang will return lots of hits, as the forums are littered with the panda unencrypted virus pattern sugnatures causing false positives.
This is not an error (minor or otherwise) by avast, it is correctly identifying the virus signature, this is and error or omission by Panda not to encrypt the virus signatures.