Password manager - passwords not displaying


I am using the built in password manager within premier’s console but i am not able to see the passwords, I am just seeing the endless loading. Every other tool displays correctly within the interface. Any ideas?

I’m having the exact same problem. After over four hours on the phone and three different technicians they instructed me to submit a ticket for help.

Thank you, but I’ve already submitted a ticket and have yet to hear back.

How long ago ???
Remember, resubmitting or a new submission starts the process all over again.

Did the Techs suggest a “Repair” of your Avast Installation? It’s possible that a Repair may straighten the issue out. :slight_smile:
REPAIR and RESET Avast Installation

I submit ticket for same problem. I have about 150 username/password and it take a very long time to load. When I try to get into there and update info or remove some outdated info, it take long time to load again for each. Its impossible. So I look for EXPORT option as in any other reputable program, no export feature. I cannot export list of usernames/passwords into a CSV file for example, to put in safe place for in case my POS windows crashes. Why not make export available? Import is available. Don’t keep info hostage, it is user-owned info.