password problem on a fresh install of ADNM

Hi to all,

I just installed the ADNM on a win 2003 server.

install okay, i chose th msde an at a moment i took the option “let the program choose a strong password” (or something like that)

Now i try to log on to AMS
i choose the server

and the program asks me for a login / password <<<
i don’t see anything about that in the manual.

how do i know this password please ?
i tried my windows admin password but it’s no good…

always surprises when you work with computers !

now it’s 8pm in france, i’m gonna eat and sleep, and come back to fint a good surprise : the solution by a gentle answer !

Thanks, see you.


The default login and password are in the manual :slight_smile:

User name: Administrator
Password: admin

I hope this solves the problem. Also make sure the management service is running.



I am having the same problems since two days now what’s going it supposed to be easy. PLEASE HELP I DID USE THE DEFAULT PASSWORD AND USER BUT NO LUCK . HELP… PLEASE!

Cherif, does not ask for help twice the same… just double the help effort.
Besides, this is ADNM version forum.