password protection feature

so, for the last couple version updates, I’ll inevitably get the ‘scan and store passwords’ screen.

now, I know for a fact I’ve disabled that feature as I dont want avast managing my passwords for me, I prefer my chrome browser do that.

is this some nag screen or was the feature simply not uninstalled properly somehow? how do I make this screen go away for good? clicking skip does zippo it seems.

Try this if it is listed …

Avast 2016: Manage program components in Avast Antivirus setup configuration >>

Ensure that you remove the Passwords feature/module completely, not just disable.

Control Panel > Programs and Features > Avast Antivirus > Change - from the next window - Modify, now uncheck the Passwords option.

I did that, I misphrased my sentence. I apologize. that particular module was uninstalled the day it was introduced.

Strange, I too never installed it as can be seen by my attached image, I also use a different solution. But I have never had this ‘scan and store passwords’ screen.

I’ll screenshot and post it here next chance I get.

That might well be very helpful to the avast team members as to why you might be getting this ‘scan and store passwords’ screen.

as promised I am back with a screenshot…

I just got the screen again…and clicking skip does precisely diddly. help? how do I stop this?

anyone got any idea what could possibly be causing this? cause at this point I am regarding that screen as nag-ware and I want it GONE.

I’ve requested Avast to reply to your question. Let’s see if that gets us an answer. :slight_smile:

thank you.