Password reset for Avast Business On-Premise Console

Something went wrong and i cannot login to the Avast Business Management Console after new install and rebooting.
Is there a way to reset username (email) and password ?

Hi, All.

Please log in using chrome or safari except Internet Explorer.


Walker Moon

Thank you for your reply.
But no success.
Tried Firefox and chrome.
I dont get it.
I am sure that i am typing in the right username and password.
It seems that account reset or uninstall is the only solution.

Login is case-sensitive

Looking for help with this as well. On-premise console no longer accepting the password, and no mechanism for reset seems to be available.

You can try the below in order to reset your login credentials:

1. Locate and open the file C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Management Console\console\config\application-user-config.yml in a plain text editor, make a note of the password shown under postgres > dbPassword

2. Open the dbAdmin application located at C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Management Console\PostgreSQL\pgAdmin4\bin\pgAdmin4.exe

3. Expand Severs, then PostgreSQL 9.6, then Databases > on-premise > Schemas > Tables

4. Enter the password you noted from step 1 when prompted

5. Locate the table user_detail and right-click it, then select View Data > View All Rows

6. Locate the entry for the user who's password needs to be reset, then locate the column password and double click into the cell for that user

7. Open a web browser and go to or open another bcrypt password Calculator to use

8. If using the dailycred bcrypt-calculator, enter their new password into the password field, and set the maximum number of rounds to 10 and press Calculate

9. Copy the output, this should look similar to the contents of the cell you selected in pgAdmin

10. Back in pgAdmin delete the contents of the selected cell, the paste the output of the bcrypt calculator into the field and select Save in the selected field, then in the upper left of the Query screen press the Save icon to make the update permanent.

11. You should now be able to log into the console using the new password you entered into the bcrypt calculator.