Yesterday I was asked to get a password to register me (50 days after the installation ),
now it pops up a message asking a password for update…
It’s no more free Avast Home ?
What is asking for a password, are you talking about a registration key ?
What is the message or can you post a screenshot of the message ?
Have you registered avast, received an email and entered the registration key ?
Complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ (without the spaces) with your registration key.
I’ve received the e-mail with the registration key (yesterday) and I’ve done the procedure to insert it …
This morning a message on a flag has arised for about 15 seconds talking about a password for update …it should be difficult to get a screenshot in so little time…
Which was the flag colour?
It’s strange, the only password that could be asked is avast password to lock the settings.
But if you click on “About” dialog, you won’t need a password to insert the registration key.
It’s difficult to imagine which problem is yours :
It was red flag . Before I’ve used the set/change password entry in the menu from the Avast in system tray .
Now I’ve repeted the register key setting on the avast GUI that scan the disk…(sorry for my bad English…).
Will see to morrow…
It was red flag.
Update error.
Before I’ve used the set/change password entry in the menu from the Avast in system tray.
If you did not enter the correct registration key, the update won’t succeed.
The update error (red panel) has nothing to do with the password. Look, registration key is not the same as password.
Sorry for my bad English…
It’s not that bad