Passwords / Privacy problem


I can see that some other people have reported problems with this recently, but my issue seems to be different to theirs so I thought I’d better create a different thread.

After I log in and go the the Privacy tab > Passwords > OPEN AVAST PASSWORDS nothing happens. The green button that says OPEN AVAST PASSWORDS darkens as I hover over it, but clicking it does nothing. I need access to this urgently as I use it for work! My license does not expire for months yet so that can’t be the problem.

Hi grizzler,

Can you please send AvastUI.log file from [b]c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log[/b] to



Email bounced back with this: rejected your message to the following email addresses: (
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This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue. Please visit to review our message content and attachment content guidelines. u32-v6si3456231qtk.56 - gsmtp

Can you please change the extension to .ddd or anything else and try again?

I’ve sent it again

grizzler’s problem was that update not properly applied. Issue was fixed by computer restart.