Pausing Updates when mobile

I’m normally at my desk and want updates to be as automatic and as often as possible. When I travel however, Im using an HSDPA 3G modem with expensive bandwidth. I can turn Vista updates off, and allmost all the other software on my machine is set to not update/check for latest versions.

I cant get avast to stop updating! - I have it set to manually, but it still downloads the latest IAV’s - short of disabling my anti virus (which is obviously a bad idea) - I dont know what to do!

interestingly enough, I have just checked the update and its reverted from “manually” to “tell me when” (could this be a vista permissions problem) but it still downloaded an IAV update all on its own!

Are you using the Pro version, with push updates?
The setting should be kept, not reverted.
Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log

I’m using the 4.8 home edition not the pro (as far as I know)
Right clicking on the Avast icon and selecting Update (Basic) now has both items set to manual.
This morning, they were both on Ask - but I’m pretty sure I set them to manual yesterday! (Ive had a couple of reboots since then)

I see no error in your log…

13.04.2008	12:41:39.000	1208086899	general	Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]

Are the latest lines time related to your manual updates?

ok Ill keep an eye on the logs, it certainly seems to be set at manual now, and hasnt updated since…
must be me?? - Ill post again in a couple of days…

Thanks for your help…

ok - just happened again…

Blue popup, with “Virus Database Updated” audio

I’ve just checked the update settings, they are both set to “manual”.

Last 100 or so lines of logs attached…


Seems your logs are ok… are you experiencing any trouble (yet)?

Seems your logs are ok... are you experiencing any trouble (yet)?

Well - it would appear the answer would be yes - the user has told avast not to perform automatic updates (set to manual as we are told above) and the automatic VPS updates happening and are recorded in the log.

It is interesting to know about is ‘Program Update’ type set to ‘Ask’ or not? Checking program updates automatically checks are fresh iAVS updates available. Wgat is avast! action is this case?

This is still a problem…

Both Database Updates AND Program Updates are set to “Manual” in Update (Basic) - The application is still updating daily without any warning! - The first I know about it is the blue pop-up with the “Virus Database Updated” audio…

There are more and more mobile (3G etc.) users with bandwidths from 1 gig a month or less - Im fortunate in having several Gigs a month, but I know of one UK contract allowing for just 300 meg per month (that’s 10 meg a day!) - with overage charged at 10p /meg !!! - This is fine for a spot of browsing and picking up the odd web based email on the move, but cant support program / configuration / data updates without the users express permission. I need to keep my anti-virus current (obviously) but must have control over when this happens. At home, in the office, in a hotel, thats fine - but not when I’m in the middle of a field trying to access a site plan, paying a premium for my connectivity!

Sorry - that’s not meant to be a rant, but I’ve just installed a network monitor to count just how much bandwidth each application uses over a month - and so far, it CANT be right!


I know that it should not be relevant to this issue … but just out of interest what is the connection setting for avast you have on this system?

Do you reboot your system after changing update mode to ‘Manual’? I didn’t check changing mode effect, but I know for example that changing UpdatePeriod value from 240 to 180 didn’t change real update period before reboot (I’ve changed this yesterday at 16:01 from 240 to 180, all changes are successfully written into avast.ini but up to now real update period is 240).

@alanrf (connection settings)
Ahh! - none! - neither box is ticked! - Ill try ticking dialup, see if that does anything… thanks for that!

@psw (reboot)
Yep, rebooted several times, the settings seem to be staying at manual now, but I’m still updating…

This is NOT happening on wither of my XP machines, only this one (Dell XPS M1330 - Vista Home Premium) - Im still thinking it may be a permissions error, or now, as alanrf says, possibly the connection settings?


OK - I have tried both now, this is getting silly!

Both Program and IAV updates are set to Manual…
I have tried both permanently connected and dialup…
Avast is still updating daily!

I cant believe no one else has this problem!! ???

Anyone else up for setting theirs to manual for 48 hours (under vista) to see if this replicates??


No check box means that avast will search for the connection.
Set dial up is what I’ll suggest.
I suppose you’re not using push updates or the Pro version.

Im using the standard home edition, set to manual and dialup!

And even in this situation avast is automatically updating?

How about blocking avast.setup in your firewall (it is obviously allowed currently), that should give it a knee in the groin. I know it isn’t perfect but it should work, I have no idea why when you set both iAVS virus signatures and Program updates to Manual you are still getting updates.

I will try that on my dial-up and see if it continues to check and download.

Do you have anything set in the Update (Connections) Proxy button area ?


I have had my updates set to manual

I’m on avast Home, dial-up connection, with winXP Pro and the set to manual appears to be working for me or rather it isn’t checking for updates and the last update I have is (080505-0) from before I set things to manual. Since the latest is 080506-0 then it didn’t check for nor download that VPS. And nothing in the setup log to indicate that it has even attempted a connection to check for updates. See images 1 & 2 none of which show any activity later than my post yesterday.

On dial-up it should effectively check for updates each time you connect if you have the VPS update settings set to Auto.

So I’m at a loss as to what is happening on your system.