Payment Screen Problems

Just wanted to let someone know that I had problems paying for renewal. This could be a big issue if it’s happening to others. The date fields for the credit card didn’t populate correctly so I couldn’t put in my expiration date. They were temporarily locked and highlighted with a red border and the pull-downs didn’t work. I got around it by manually keying in the month and year values. I also had repeatedly put in 20… for the year and it eventually counted upwards from 2016 to 2018. This doesn’t appear to be working as intended and could be losing you guys lots of money with the people that aren’t as patient or creative as I was able to be. For everyone’s sake, please look into it.

Thanks for the report, I will try to bring this to avasts attention.

Hi lsborland,

Thank you for reporting this.

I tried to reproduce it however it worked fine when I tested it. Could you please share more details about this problem, like the browser and version you were using, and operating system?
I’ll keep testing it.

Thanks again!

A screenshot might be helpful too.

I tried to process the payment through the Avast interface. I’m running Windows 10. I wasn’t in any browser as far as I know. I do have Chrome Version 48.0.2564.97 m (64-bit) as my default browser though (if Avast uses it). As I said in my original post, I was able to process the payment, but with difficulty. I didn’t get a screenshot.

Thank you for the follow up! I only tested the web store. I’ll test the in-app store :slight_smile: