My company just acquire 2000 licenses of Avast Pro. I need to create a silent installation package.
I created 2 files : admin.ini and tasks.xml. Il put this files in the same directory as setupfrepro.exe.
If I tape : “setupfrepro.exe /silent”, the installation is invisible but don’t reboot, and after a manual reboot Avast ask me the serial number (which is in my config files).
If I tape : “setupfrepro.exe” without options, the installation is manual and I need to write my serial number at the reboot.
Il don’t understand where I have an error in my procedure…
Yes, I think we have a reason : we have 2000 computers in 800 different places and no MS servers, only Linux servers…
Is it a good reason ? I don’t know ???
OK, so the schools are not connected to each other, right? They’re just connected to the Internet, but the LANs in these schools are otherwise unconnected (even via VPN).
In other words, if you need to do anything on one of the 2000 computers, there’s no other way than to do it either physically on that machine, or from a different machine at the same location.
The right procedure is to place the admin.ini, tasks.xml (and possibly also aswresp.dat) to the same folder as setupfrepro.exe, and run the .exe file without any parameters (just as described in the avast help files).
BTW when trying this, were you using a remote (share) or local directory?