Pb with updates

I don’t understand why I cannot receive VPS or Pg Updates since feb 12th. I checked the registration key, I have no firewal pb, Is there a way of pinging the server to make sure the pb doesn’t come from there.

I tried to download manually from serveur the vspupd.exe file but it says

Can’t install VPS update. Please report following errcodes:

What do u suggest?


What Operating System are you using ?

Some have been experiencing this problem and it needed a reinstall to resolve it, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
It would probably be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

i use XP Pro.

I just happen to realize that I have a problem wiht resolving DNS… ping www.microsoft.com … no reply

The problem with pinging would be unrelated to this update problem, you could try using a different DNS server, like www.opendns.org. It may also be something at MS blocking pings which could be used to swamp their servers, just a guess, could be totally wrong, you could try connecting to MS.

The other users that were effected with this problem were win9x but, it wouldn’t hurt to try the reinstall.
But, before that one check your system date is correct, especially month and year. Also check about avast and ensure that the Updates expiration date hasn’t been reached, see image.

What I did was to uninstall Avast and reinstall… pb solved.

I dunno what happend it worked perfectly for 5 months with no pb.

Thanx to U all for answering.

I really appreciate the help on this forum.


No problem, glad I could help.

Welcome to the forums.

Often it is quicker to reinstall that try and chase down a problem like this where there isn’t a great deal of information.