Please help! I’ve been using free Avast for about a year and I really appreciate it for being Free BUT, my PC always freezes up while Avast sends updates. It took me a while before I caught on, but there’s no doubt in my mind now that this is the cause. Any suggestions?
Thanks Aventador and Simion for your replies. I’m a Newbie and don’t know the answers to your questions, I’d have to look them up. But, no worry, today when I visited the forum and tried to find which thread I was in yesterday, I accidently found similar questions to mine and many replies. Good to know I’m not alone in this query. BTW I found these related q&a’s in ““Child Boards - Beta- Discussion about new beta
Moderators: igor, pavels, lukor, lukas.hasik”” Thanks Again
You’re welcome. The beta board is for posting issues with a pre-release (beta) version of Avast. Normally, any issues found would be resolved before the products final release and would therefore not affect you. Were you able to resolve your issue with the information you found?
Well, I read all of the Q&A’s in that thread but all I gathered is that I’m not alone with that question. Except most of the users are dial-ups and I’m on fast internet cable, so I didn’t totaly relate. To answer your question LOL, no I didn’t find an answer, I just know now that Avast takes 5 - 10 mins. whenever it sends an update, slows everything down or even freezes, finally it sends that window saying it just updated. Like the others, I wish it would show some sign on screen to let the user know what its doing so the user won’t start ctrl/alt/del trying to get the system to respond. Such a waste of time. For now I’ll just live with it. Any help would be welcomed. I’m using Windows XP. BTW I changed my on screen name to JanetsQueSera. Thanks for hearing me out
Well, I’m also on XP with high speed internet but my Avast updates are unnoticeable and take < 1 minute. Perhaps if you answer Aventador’s and my initial questions we could help you find a solution, or at least a cause.
Thanks so much for your patience with me Aventador. I think I found the answers to your initial questions. My OS and Avast info is the following;
Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3, Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz 3.06GHz, 496 MB of RAM. avast! Free Antivirus Program version: 8.0.1489 Virus definitions version: 130609-1 Number of definitions: 4.666.933. I use fast Internet from my cable provider. More than a year ago AOL had McAfee running but I discontinued that so I could use Avast. Let me know if you need any other info.
Wow…Your system is severally old and out dated. Your pc is around 10 years old if not more. 4GB of ram is standard now a days. Never mind only having 500MB of ram. You can upgrade your ram for cheap but considering you processor speed you wouldn’t gain much.
I would increase your RAM at least to 1GB. Meanwhile you can make sure you do not have any McAfee renmamts in your system. Apply MCPR.exe from here: and reboot your system. Then repair Avast! just in case.
How to repair Avast!
Start > Control panel > Add & Remove programs > select avast! and click " Change/Remove ". Look for " Repair " > Next. Reboot when finnished.
Here is great place to find the right ram for your pc. Remember that by the years end Microsoft is shutting of support for XP. So you might want to start budgeting yourself into a new pc. You can get a brand new laptop for under $400 off Amazon.
Thanks for posting your system information, JanetsQueSera. You did a fine job.
As already mentioned you do need more RAM, and is a reliable and trusted source for this. While it is true that Microsoft will be ending official support for XP next year, there are many satisfied XP users like myself who will continue to use it. This “XP underground community” will provide the necessary tools, updates and service packs to keep your system safe online. Heck, I still use a Win 98 system online with very few issues, none of which are security related. If you choose to install your new RAM yourself (it’s easy with a desktop) there’s a good tutorial with video HERE. Good luck!
Her processor is ONLY a P4. It maybe a 3.06 but it still is at least 10 years old. When someone’s system is that old they are better off getting something new. The cost of the parts is more then a new pc. No one is spreading FUD. A fact is a fact. She is asking why her system is slow. Its slow cause its old an outdated. That is a true fact. You cant turbo charge a Yugo.
Simion! Where have you been? When I logged onto the forum today I found 2 users offering their advice. I liked ‘Aventador’‘s suggestion to add more RAM to my PC so I was going to do that next after I tried following "iroc9555"s advice to be sure none of McAfee was left – his quote- Meanwhile you can make sure you do not have any McAfee renmamts in your system. eApply MCPR.exe from here: and reboot your system. Then repair Avast! just in case.-- SO that’s what I did (I only got so far as clicking on the website ) :’( That brought me on a terrible ride, the worse being it installed Norton, took 30 mins. to scan - then froze in the middle. When I stopped everything and reloaded an AVG Search was replaced as my default and who knows what else was replaced. Of course, my luck, Avast sent an upgrade which froze everything again. OK so now I’m replying to you. Your news sounded very encouraging and I’m ready to take you and "Avendator"s advice. I am looking forward to getting more RAM – don’t know if I’ll try it right away. But just in case you don’t hear from me for a while- who knows what else was added to mess things up? Don’t mean to blab - but I have a chronic pain illness,and other matters I need to deal with which I’ve put on hold while trying to work out my computer’s problems. I’ll still check this thread of the forum to see if any immediate help makes sense. I have faith that things will work out ---- What’s a FUD? sounds like a swear word in computer language – I’m getting giddy - bye for now.
Sorry if something went wrong with my instructions, but… How in this world you ended up installing Norton and AVG search from the link I gave you ? That link was to run MCPR.exe which is McAfee removal tool. Nothing else.
I clicked iroc9555’s link and was appropriately directed to McAfee’s uninstall tool. If you’ve had other strange happenings like you described, you may want to follow the instructions HERE, then start a new topic on the viruses and worms board and attach your logs to your post. A malware expert will review your logs and assist you in removing any malware found.
Sorry, you’re wrong again. My XP has a P4 processor at 3.0 Ghz and is lightning fast. From the specifications provided, the OP’s problem is insufficient RAM.