PC freezes when a software want to use CPU virtualization


Several user of Memu, an Android Emulator for Windows, notice that Avast freezes the PC when a software want to use CPU virtualization. We first though that it was Memu’s fault, but this solution have fixed the problem :


Unfortunetly, it looks like disabling this is not really safe. Just wanted to do a feedback. I hope that it will be fixed.

Which version of Avast are you using ???

The free version 11.2.2262 . I have updated it recently, a few days ago.
But again I’m not the only user of Memu who have this problem.

Should already be fixed in the latest beta.

Ah, great news. So the next update should fix it.

In case you want to test it: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15