pc goes slow down in downloads or merging files in idm

pc goes slow down in downloads or merging files in internet download manager

like before 6 to 8 months ago i can downloading files from net via idm and watching videos via potplayer64x at same time but know avast hang both apps specially potplayer64x during downloading or merging file

know u can say that your pc is slow or processor is slows then i told you that its i7 intel and hm65 chipset with 6gb ram

as per my r&d avast my had issue with potplayer64x or idm


Avast GUI->Settings->Active Protection->Web Shield settings (the cog)
On main settings page, remove tick from “Use intelligent stream scanning”, then click on OK.

I would also try disabling the Avast AOS add on/s in the brower.

thank i will try