PC hangs up on boot screen...

Hey guys…sorry if I posted in wrong section but I need help with my PC whenever I start it, it hangs up on boot screen and doesn’t continue to authentication/log in…tried to start up through safe mode it hangs up after loading a Driver named MUP.sys…

Is there any infection?..I am using Avast Pro fully updated…

Any recent driver, software or hardware installation?

Besides Google also you can use:
MS knowledgebase: http://support.microsoft.com/search/?adv=1
Free memory tester (Run it overnight): http://www.memtest86.com/
XP error explanations: http://www.xptuneup.com/xptuneup_stopmessages.htm
BSODs: http://www.techmetica.com/howto/descriptions-and-fixes-of-blue-screen-of-death-bsod-crash-errors/

No changes in software or hardware…though started using internet through a modem since friday and today it hung up…haven’t installed anything yet, just browsed and updated avast…

Please, go to folder \windows\minidump and send the newest (recent) .mdmp files for analysis.
There is also C:\Windows\Memory.dmp file.
Better if you can compress (zip), rename it with an unique name, them and add some information about the BSOD and the link for this thread. :wink:
Upload it to this anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming/

Sorry if I misunderstood your instructions, can you plz clarify how to access “\windows\minidump” and " C:\Windows\Memory.dmp " because the PC hangs up at bootscreen and I cannot access anything, that is, the desktop doesn’t load at all. See attached image, its where I am stuck for the whole day…

Overinstallation can solve the problem and you won’t lose your programs, settings, data, files, etc.
Just choose ‘Repair’ installation of Windows and install ‘over’ the old installation.


Well your system not allow you to boot into safe mode (keep pecking away at the F8 key during boot) >
If you could get into safe mode, perhaps you might be able to copy these files to a USB stick. Then plug into another system and zip the files and upload to avast.


  • Upload any minidump or memory.dmp files, zipped to reduce size. Give the zip file you are uploading a unique name (e.g. forumusername-mem-dump.zip, etc), so they can identify it. It might not be a bad idea to create a text file (readme.txt) with any relevant information, avast topic URL, user name, etc. etc. in the zip file. Not to mention posting the name of the file you uploaded in the topic acts as another searchable reference.

  • Upload the zip file to the ftp server ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming:

  • Using Internet Explorer, Connect to the link and drag the file into the Right pane and drop it, that starts the upload, you don’t have read access to this folder.

  • Upload it using the Run command-line in Windows: Windows Key + R (to get the run box), copy and paste this [nobbc]explorer ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming[/nobbc] and drag the file into the window, from another explorer window.

Excuse if I’m teaching your granny to suck eggs:

  • First you have to create your zip file with the unique name, containing the dump files and the readme.txt file, before you even consider connection to the ftp location [nobbc]explorer ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming[/nobbc]. You do not have read permissions on the [nobbc]explorer ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming[/nobbc] location, so you won’t see it has been uploaded.

Now you make your first windows explorer connection to the ftp link [nobbc]explorer ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming[/nobbc], now open another explorer window where you locate your unique zip file containing the dump and readme.txt files; drag and drop that file into the other explorer window (right hand side), no need to click enter or any other action.

@Tech…I am looking for the XP CD so as to do a clean install as you suggested…

@DavidR…tried to start up through safe mode…it gets stuck after loading a driver from windows named “MUP.sys”…doesn’t go any further…

A quick google on the file name brings lots of hits, check out these to see if you can resolve it, http://www.aitechsolutions.net/mupdotsysXPhang.html or http://www.aitechsolutions.net/mup-sys-resolved.html or http://www.computing.net/answers/windows-xp/how-i-solved-mupsys-problem-xp-pro/97354.html.

I tried to perform Chkdsk with Recovery Console, booting through CD ROM, it doesn’t take me to the options menu infact in hangs up at “Setup is starting windows”…see attached image…any help?

Sorry, this isn’t something that I’m familiar with hence the google search on the file name and three links, there were many more, but I don’t know if they will be offering the same suggestions.

The most common cause is the executing PnP (Plug and Play) and ACPI routines issue.

To fix the issue, we need to access the computer from Recovery Console.

If you do have your Windows CD

  1. To start the Recovery Console directly from the Windows XP CD you would do the following:

[*]Insert the Windows XP cd in your computer.
[*]Restart your computer so you are booting off of the CD.
[*]When the Welcome to Setup screen appears, press the R button on your keyboard to start the Recovery Console.
[*]The Recovery Console will start and ask you which Windows installation you would like to log on to. If you have multiple Windows installations, it will list each one, and you would enter the number associated with the installation you would like to work on and press enter. If you have just one Windows installation, type 1 and press enter.
[*]It will then prompt you for the Administrator’s password. If there is no password, simply press enter. Otherwise type in the password and then press enter.
[*]If you entered the correct password you will now be presented with a C:\Windows> prompt and you can start using the Recovery Console.
2. Type map and press enter.It will give you the drive letters. Note down the letter of you CD-ROM.
If it is a letter other than E you should replace the letter E with your CD drive letter when applying the expand command later on if the command is needed to be applied.
Type following commmands, pressing Enter after each one.

[*]ren c:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys atapi.old (It will returns to the prompt again without notification)
[*]copy c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\atapi.sys c:\windows\system32\drivers (If you get a notification “1 file(s) copied” you don’t need to do the next expand command and go to exit command. But if you get notification that the file doesn’t exist proceed with expand command)
[*]expand e:\I386\atapi.sy_ c:\windows\system32\drivers (You should be notified that the file expanded)[*]exit

You may remove the CD or let Windows boot normally.

If you don’t have your Windows CD

Please download ARCDC from Artellos.com.

[*]Double click ARCDC.exe
[*]Follow the dialog until you see 6 options. Please pick: [i]Windows Professional SP2 & SP3[/i]
[]You will be prompted with a Terms of Use by Microsoft, please accept.
]You will see a few dos screens flash by, this is normal.
[]Next you will be able to choose to add extra files. Select the Default Files.
]The last window will allow you to burn the disk using BurnCDCC

Then, follow instructions from Step #1 above.

Hey there…I tried all the necessary means to enter into recovery cosole but in vain…so I decided to take my PC to a technician who later on discovered that the Power Supply wasn’t operating well, so had to replace it and now it works just fine with all the data intact…Thanks alot for all the help.

Thanks for getting back to the topic with the cause, definitely a weird one that. I would have though a power supply would have failed completely and not even get into the windows startup.

Glad that you have it resolved though.

I had to fit a power supply once, they are fused inside but if the fuse is ok then it’s burnt out & can’t be repaired. Or should I say to expensive to repair, but I bet they recondition them.
You can have a partial burn out on power output to either the drives or circuit boards etc.
I strip mine down once a year & clean it out same inside computer, build up on circuit boards etc will over heat them.
I always used to clean out my TV & gave it a long life.
But if you play around inside the Computer always earth yourself & switch off.

I had this same problem yesterday. Sadly it only got resolved after I uninstalled Avast free.