Hi All
PC problems I’ve had lately, HP printer driver refused to install, popup Encrypted File System backup encryption key, so much issues that I ended up doing a clean system install, a little nervous on reinstalling my favorite Antivirus now though as I don’t want the problems to return, though I don’t know if was connected to Avast or not, I could never find the actual cause of the issue, so far it hasn’t returned though, but everything also not reinstalled yet
I know Windows Defender protection is way lower i’m sure than Avast
Hi Patrick2,
Welcome to the forums.
Perfect timing to seriously think about using a disk imaging program to back up your system(s).
- Not able to install your HP printer driver? Restore your image and try again
- Latest antivirus update not to your liking? Restore your latest image
One key advantage is the ability to take a crippled system and restore it to working condition (last known good) in 30 minutes or less.
Yes do have Image program, and do use it, last time though I restored image, darn Windows 10 wouldn’t reactivate, but maybe cause I upgraded from 8.1 to 10 Home, then bought Pro later on, in any case crtical stuff reinstalled now, and so far no strange popup Encrypting File thing lol Please backup your encryption key.
K. Happy 'puting trails to you.