PC Problems--Windows 10 1903-Solved--(With Full Clean Install of Windows 10)

PC problems

Might have to do another clean install to solve all these issues

Internet Temp file location missing
can’t rename files, or transfer files from Internal Storage drive to external
Drive seems to test ok, but i can run a longer test later

Previously was trying out Windows Defender in 1903, on advice from local PC tech and another forum that i won’t name publicly lol

I just hope the second clean install solves all the issues, and For sure Avast Free gonna be Antivirus of choice once new install all set

Apparently someone or something removed the temp folder.
I noticed there was no current folder or path listed?

Yeah and in addition had problems with Programs closing to Desktop.

Was trying out stupidly Windows Defender on Windows 10 Pro 1903 again) but opted for a clean install of Windows to fix all the problems, and immediately reinstalled Avast Free that I used since 2006, so knows i’m safe now I think lol, did system backup, updated all the software/drivers. Still printer to install yet, but not too big a deal there

My Mistake was listening to another forum I visited that I didn’t need 3rd party Antivirus, and Defender is fine to use lol, (though no infection was found by Avast, or Malwarebytes or ADW Cleaner after reinstalling Windows, before restoring anything ran a full scan with Avast, Malwarebytes, and ADW cleaner–clean as a whistle thankfully)

As older Microsoft operating systems had IE embedded into their systems, if something went wrong with IE, so did the operating system as it used browser windows to run gui programs.

FYI, find two windows attached below for IE settings. IE has been disabled on this system and cannot be started by user(s). However, the system has IE still in use for some parts of operations even after disabling.

If you are interested in turning IE off, do Programs and Features>Turn Windows features on or off>Deselect Internet Explorer 11>Reboot system.

Ok can look into that aspect of turning IE off

I guess I shouldn’t also have switched antivirus programs so much since May 20th, but now that system is fixed, don’t plan to at all period. Another online friend was like continue using Avast Free, then I posted on something else on another computer related forum, then someone replied in there that I didn’t need 3rd party antivirus in Windows 10 anymore, then I believed it, and removed Avast for a bit, then another online was like dude reinstall Avast Free.

Now keeping Avast Free in lol