April 4, 2015, 12:51am
Just installed Grimefighter on my Sony Vaio S. I also have it on a Sony Vaio Pro … where it worked fine the last time I used it.
However when Avast reboots to run Grimefighter the laptop just reboots back into Windows.
I have checked the licencing activation and that seems to be fine.
So how do I get it to run ?
April 4, 2015, 4:12am
I have a similar problem. My computer reboots to a blank screen
Can you please check c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\GrimeFighter.log if there are some errors about GrimeFighter boot setup? Or send this file to Avast support.
April 4, 2015, 11:33pm
I would send this to support but haven’t worked out how to access support yet. I need support to get support !
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.927] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] boot to GrimeFighter started
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.927] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] performing pre-completion actions
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.951] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] enumerating disk drives
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.985] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] WMI error querying Win32_DiskDrive: Type mismatch.
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.985] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] registering boot loader
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.993] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] creating boot entry
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.993] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Work directory configured at C:\Jumpshot
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.995] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Tools directory configured at C:\WINDOWS\TEMP
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.995] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Detecting bootloader type…
[2015-04-04 00:44:12.995] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Testing if bcdedit without parameters succeeds…
[2015-04-04 00:44:13.197] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] BOOTMGR bootloader detected.
[2015-04-04 00:44:15.183] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Initializing backup of boot info store
[2015-04-04 00:44:15.183] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Beginning GrimeFighter process!
[2015-04-04 00:44:16.221] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] Completed successfully!
[2015-04-04 00:44:16.221] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] boot to GrimeFighter finished successfuly
[2015-04-04 00:44:16.431] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] sending HW check
[2015-04-04 00:44:23.312] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 8240] EC: 0, HW check sent with id 255694e0-b82a-4b6a-a15b-c57aaa509c93-5c514fca4c89
[2015-04-04 00:44:31.956] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1944: 1968] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-04 00:45:04.840] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 1992] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-04 00:45:04.871] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 1992] Started 4/04/2015 10:45:04 AM
[2015-04-04 00:45:04.871] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 1992] Windows 6.2.9200 SP0.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-04 00:45:25.596] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] license information download started
[2015-04-04 00:45:36.046] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] LIC_INFO: licExp=1459728600 seats=1 seats_free=1 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-04 00:45:36.046] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-04 00:45:43.015] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 7840: 7844] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-04 00:45:43.015] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 7840: 7844] Started 4/04/2015 10:45:43 AM
[2015-04-04 00:45:43.015] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 7840: 7844] Windows 6.2.9200 SP0.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-04 04:45:36.623] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] license information download started
[2015-04-04 04:45:39.633] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] LIC_INFO: licExp=1459728600 seats=1 seats_free=1 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-04 04:45:39.633] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-04 09:28:45.138] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] license information download started
[2015-04-04 09:28:45.186] [error ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] Error downloading license info.
Exception: Protocol.Write() failed. ProtocolHttp::Write failed
Code: 0x00002bc6 (11206)
[2015-04-04 23:29:46.510] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] license information download started
[2015-04-04 23:29:56.528] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] LIC_INFO: licExp=1459728600 seats=1 seats_free=1 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-04 23:29:56.529] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1948: 3016] EC: 0, license information download finished
Thank you. I assume you have EFI system. Unfortunatelly I don’t see anything wrong in the log, it should be set up right. One more thing you can try is to delete c:\Jumpshot directory and try to scan for performace issues again. It will download image when necessary, extract and copy boot files to EFI partition. If this doesn’t help please post here log for these actions.
April 6, 2015, 7:08am
Yep it is an EFI system.
I could not get any action from Avast/Grime fighter, so I went into add/remove/change Avast and removed the Grimefighter module, so I could install it again. Avast did an update just after that.
The end result is that I can now no longer find any way to see, use or install Grime fighter, so I presume Avast has decided it is not compatible with my system ?
So did I purchase a licence that I cannot use on this machine ?
You can’t install GrimeFighter module again or it’s just not visible in Avast UI? Can you take a look into GrimeFighter.log again and search for last line containing “HW check sent with id” and post it here? Thank you.
Hi James,
You might also look under Tools, and then Scan for Performance Issues. It should start running GrimeFighter.
April 9, 2015, 1:58am
There is no option under tools to scan for performance issues any more.
There is no Grimefighter log file any more.
Seems Grimefighter has gone dark as far as my system is concerned.
April 17, 2015, 7:47pm
I am having the same problem. I paid for and installed Grimefighter yesterday. It identifies the issues and says they will be fixed on next reboot but more than 24 hours later…nothing. It still lists the the issues and asks me to Optimize my PC.
April 29, 2015, 1:28am
just bought grimefighter… well basically renewed.when i reboot, nothing happens. just a blank screen. it does have a flashing thing in the upper left hand corner. it does nothing. i am not happy with grime fighter. i would like a refund please. here is my log.
[2015-04-26 01:25:19.512] [error ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 4100] Error downloading license info.
Exception: Protocol.Write() failed. ProtocolHttp::Write failed
Code: 0x00002bc6 (11206)
[2015-04-26 03:47:24.110] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2592: 2596] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-26 03:47:36.200] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1648] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-26 08:05:25.867] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2868: 2872] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-26 08:05:26.194] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2868: 2872] Started 4/26/2015 4:05:26 AM
[2015-04-26 08:05:26.194] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2868: 2872] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-26 08:06:07.983] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 1720] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-26 08:06:07.983] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 1720] Started 4/26/2015 4:06:07 AM
[2015-04-26 08:06:07.983] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 1720] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-26 08:06:08.171] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] license information download started
[2015-04-26 08:06:09.341] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-26 08:06:09.341] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-26 12:06:09.787] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] license information download started
[2015-04-26 12:06:11.004] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-26 12:06:11.004] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 3416] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-26 13:06:59.860] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2868: 2872] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-26 13:07:04.712] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1464: 1720] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-27 00:52:48.075] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2608: 2612] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-27 00:52:48.153] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2608: 2612] Started 4/26/2015 8:52:48 PM
[2015-04-27 00:52:48.153] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2608: 2612] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-27 00:53:07.303] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 1700] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-27 00:53:07.303] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 1700] Started 4/26/2015 8:53:07 PM
[2015-04-27 00:53:07.303] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 1700] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-27 00:53:08.410] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 4032] license information download started
[2015-04-27 00:53:10.048] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 4032] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-27 00:53:10.048] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 4032] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-27 01:05:35.448] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2608: 2612] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-27 01:05:38.786] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1456: 1700] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-28 11:02:27.556] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2772: 2776] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 11:02:28.118] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2772: 2776] Started 4/28/2015 7:02:28 AM
[2015-04-28 11:02:28.118] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2772: 2776] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 11:03:26.739] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1692] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 11:03:26.739] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1692] Started 4/28/2015 7:03:26 AM
[2015-04-28 11:03:26.739] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1692] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 11:03:27.160] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 3596] license information download started
[2015-04-28 11:03:29.001] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 3596] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-28 11:03:29.001] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 3596] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-28 14:09:19.238] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2772: 2776] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-28 14:09:25.088] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1692] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-28 19:14:24.556] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3432: 3436] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 19:14:24.847] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3432: 3436] Started 4/28/2015 3:14:24 PM
[2015-04-28 19:14:24.848] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3432: 3436] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 19:14:55.817] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1740] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 19:14:55.817] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1740] Started 4/28/2015 3:14:55 PM
[2015-04-28 19:14:55.817] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1740] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 19:14:56.705] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 6084] license information download started
[2015-04-28 19:14:59.809] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 6084] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-28 19:14:59.809] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 6084] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-28 20:17:18.086] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3432: 3436] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-28 20:17:23.078] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1740] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-28 20:21:38.432] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2664: 2668] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 20:21:38.463] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2664: 2668] Started 4/28/2015 4:21:38 PM
[2015-04-28 20:21:38.463] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2664: 2668] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 20:21:55.742] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 1712] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-28 20:21:55.742] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 1712] Started 4/28/2015 4:21:55 PM
[2015-04-28 20:21:55.742] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 1712] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-28 20:21:56.054] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 704] license information download started
[2015-04-28 20:21:59.049] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 704] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-28 20:21:59.049] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 704] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-29 00:12:09.157] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2664: 2668] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 00:12:15.257] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1436: 1712] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 00:31:46.181] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2640: 2644] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 00:31:46.290] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2640: 2644] Started 4/28/2015 8:31:46 PM
[2015-04-29 00:31:46.290] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2640: 2644] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 00:32:06.010] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1700] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 00:32:06.010] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1700] Started 4/28/2015 8:32:06 PM
[2015-04-29 00:32:06.010] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1700] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 00:32:06.228] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3668] license information download started
[2015-04-29 00:32:23.205] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3668] LIC_INFO: licExp=1461888279 seats=1 seats_free=1 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-29 00:32:23.205] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3668] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-29 00:37:15.138] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2640: 2644] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 00:37:20.333] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1700] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 00:50:39.850] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2668: 2672] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 00:50:39.928] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2668: 2672] Started 4/28/2015 8:50:39 PM
[2015-04-29 00:50:39.928] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2668: 2672] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 00:51:17.379] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1724] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 00:51:17.379] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1724] Started 4/28/2015 8:51:17 PM
[2015-04-29 00:51:17.379] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1724] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 00:51:38.627] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] license information download started
[2015-04-29 00:51:45.008] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-29 00:51:45.008] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-29 00:57:23.350] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] sending HW check
[2015-04-29 00:57:23.350] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] registry integrity check started
[2015-04-29 00:57:26.004] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] EC: 0, registry integrity check finished
[2015-04-29 00:57:26.613] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] EC: 0, HW check sent with id 03aa02fc-0414-0576-1806-950700080009-fcaa14761895
[2015-04-29 00:57:26.644] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] license information download started
[2015-04-29 00:57:28.875] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] LIC_INFO: licExp=1 seats=0 seats_free=0 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-29 00:57:28.875] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 4916] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-29 00:59:20.768] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2668: 2672] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 00:59:23.966] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3612: 2768] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 00:59:23.966] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3612: 2768] Started 4/28/2015 8:59:23 PM
[2015-04-29 00:59:23.966] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 3612: 2768] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 00:59:40.443] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1452: 1724] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 01:03:56.427] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2632: 2636] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 01:03:56.583] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2632: 2636] Started 4/28/2015 9:03:56 PM
[2015-04-29 01:03:56.583] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2632: 2636] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 01:05:30.263] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1728] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 01:05:30.278] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1728] Started 4/28/2015 9:05:30 PM
[2015-04-29 01:05:30.278] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1728] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 01:05:30.278] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3220] delaying start by 15 minutes
[2015-04-29 01:10:17.403] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] store token started
[2015-04-29 01:10:17.425] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] store token ended: 0
[2015-04-29 01:10:17.430] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] license information download started
[2015-04-29 01:10:18.790] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] LIC_INFO: licExp=1461888279 seats=1 seats_free=1 licType=GF_SRV isAutorenewal=0
[2015-04-29 01:10:18.790] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] EC: 0, license information download finished
[2015-04-29 01:10:23.740] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] create HDD started
[2015-04-29 01:10:23.958] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading version file
[2015-04-29 01:10:23.958] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading
[2015-04-29 01:10:24.098] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] file size: 11 B
[2015-04-29 01:10:24.098] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloaded OK
[2015-04-29 01:10:24.098] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading image
[2015-04-29 01:10:24.098] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading
[2015-04-29 01:10:24.161] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] file size: 224466598 B
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.269] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloaded OK
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.269] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading signature
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.269] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloading
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.347] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] file size: 213 B
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.347] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] downloaded OK
[2015-04-29 01:11:37.347] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] verifying signature
[2015-04-29 01:11:41.652] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] extracting files from image
[2015-04-29 01:11:57.333] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] extracted OK
[2015-04-29 01:11:57.333] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 2788] create HDD finished successfuly
[2015-04-29 01:12:07.711] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] boot to GrimeFighter started
[2015-04-29 01:12:07.711] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] performing pre-completion actions
[2015-04-29 01:12:07.882] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] enumerating disk drives
[2015-04-29 01:12:07.991] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] WMI error querying Win32_DiskDrive: Type mismatch.
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.286] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] registering boot loader
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.380] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] creating boot entry
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.380] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Work directory configured at C:\Jumpshot
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.411] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Tools directory configured at C:\Windows\TEMP
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.411] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Detecting bootloader type…
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.411] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Testing if bcdedit without parameters succeeds…
[2015-04-29 01:12:09.692] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] BOOTMGR bootloader detected.
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.144] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Initializing backup of boot info store
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.144] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Beginning GrimeFighter process!
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.144] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Step 1: Creating a new, empty BCD entry
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.160] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Step 2: Configuring path to stage0 file
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.175] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Step 3: Configuring bcd entry device
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.207] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Step 4: Configuring bcd to run GrimeFighter on next boot
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.222] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] Completed successfully!
[2015-04-29 01:12:10.222] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] boot to GrimeFighter finished successfuly
[2015-04-29 01:12:11.611] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] sending HW check
[2015-04-29 01:12:12.172] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 3852] EC: 0, HW check sent with id 03aa02fc-0414-0576-1806-950700080009-fcaa14761895
[2015-04-29 01:12:17.703] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2632: 2636] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 01:12:24.847] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1440: 1728] Grimefighter engine ended.
[2015-04-29 01:24:45.221] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2744: 2748] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 01:24:45.330] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2744: 2748] Started 4/28/2015 9:24:45 PM
[2015-04-29 01:24:45.330] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 2744: 2748] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 01:25:05.129] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1724] Grimefighter engine starting up.
[2015-04-29 01:25:05.129] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1724] Started 4/28/2015 9:25:05 PM
[2015-04-29 01:25:05.129] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 1724] Windows 6.1.7601 SP1.0 64bit Workstation
[2015-04-29 01:25:05.129] [info ] [grimefight ] [ 1448: 5796] delaying start by 15 minutes
April 29, 2015, 7:03am
I have exactly the same problem.
Following the contents of the crimefighter.log file:
April 30, 2015, 7:31pm
Im getting the same problem also on my Windows 8.1 desktop
May 1, 2015, 12:06pm
I cant get it working either, bought it yesterday, tried all recomendations. My license is valid.
It reboots back to windows, and nothing happens.
This calls for a refund please.
May 4, 2015, 10:59am
I’ve recently purchased Grime Fighter and I’m having similar results, with the Process Failure issues.
I’ve submitted a ticket and hoping for a refund. Very disappointed Avast! :C
Me too - hadn’t spotted this thread earlier, but I have the exact same problem with GrimeFighter on my Lenovo Windows 8 machine
i’m in the same situation as most that have replied to this post. i purchased avast premium for 3 computers , and grime fighter for one computer yesterday, total cost $ 75.05. attempted to run grime fighter last night, ran for 8 hours, stuck on the screen that stated ":your pc is now asleep, "were calling in … . i then contacted tech support and was informed by “kristy” that since my operating system was “windows xp” that i would need a “windows tech support” to clean up any malware that might be causing the problem. she knew as do i, that windows xp is no longer supported by microsoft, but she explained that avast have “xp techs” that could fix the problem for a price. my comment is, why would i pay for support for a problem with my pc that avast premium and grime fighter should fix for me. iv’e sent several "tickets to support with no response. any body have any advise , thoughts, opinions about this?
20 hours on a blank screen. Got to restart the PC.
And the “we found XX issues to fix” still there.
I have exactly the same problem. I am shown how my PC can be improved but when I click on ‘optimise my pc’ the pc reboots as it would normally. There is no sign of Grimefighter running at all. I have raised a ticket with AVAST and the first response was to tell me to delete the ‘ ’ folder in toto and then runa a repair on avast. I followed these instructions and the problem remains exactly the same. Having seen the amount of complaints about this application I am strongly inclined to demand a refund.
I am running windows 8.1
May 10, 2015, 12:47pm
I am about to demand a refund. Have installed GrimeFighter as far as I can see, but it does not run at reboot