It’s official – PC Tools Firewall Plus is “retired” as of today, with no hints that was coming (thanks loads, Symantec ).
Which others (preferably freeware) are currently recommended? I’ve tried (and ditched) both ZA and Comodo, and would like something that’s a reasonable balance of security and user-friendliness.
The hint of it coming was it being bought out, this is common practice for Symantec, they buy something out and they have an additional customer base and then they merge any good bits of the product into their own equivalent.
Note in my signature Drive Image 7.1, this was the last version from PowerQuest before it was bought out and merged into Norton Ghost.
Another vote for Outpost free I would be using that if I didn’t have the Pro version. It is a good firewall with a light touch on the number of pop-ups you get.
Well, another product that dies due to Symantec…
Of course, why to do competition to their firewall?
Comodo 5 (with the sandbox and Defense+ at Safe Mode) isn’t a “noisy” firewall anymore. You can go with it.
After an initial test and after the first reboot after install, I've removed it.
It tied my system into knots. Everything crawled and it took forever to finally get it un-installed.
Now the system is back to normal (using the Windows 7 firewall).
Thanks all. Sounds like there was a teensy bit of “majority vote” for Outlook, so I’ve downloaded that and will give it a try soon’s I get offline. Hope the PC Tools one isn’t too much of a headache to uninstall.
I uninstalled PCTFWP since the latest news and am currently using Private Firewall as well. I initially had problems with Avast automatic virus updates not connecting but went into Settings and Updates and down to “Update Parameters” and checked “My Computer is always connected to the internet” and also down to “Proxy Settings” checked "Direct Connection(no proxy). Now Avast updates automatically with Private Firewall…no problem.
Yes I agree that Outpost free is another good firewall to use with avast. Have also used it in the past with avast with no problems.
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AChen AChen is offline
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Hi Guys,
Just be to clear, we are still releasing the final version 7 of the FW. However, there will be no further developments in regards to the standalone Firewall. You can still continue to use the Firewall for as long as you like and post on this forum. However, should you wish to upgrade in future, you will need to install PC Tools Internet Security.