PC Tools Firewall Plus

I have PC Tools Firewall Plus on my new 64bit Vista laptop and it is running great! No problems. Best version of PCTFP I’ve ever used!

I don’t want to be a party pooper, but if you look close at Matousec’s tests, it seems the only updated fw is PCTFP. I use OA on my XPsp3 desktop. Notice OA in Matousec’s tests. The new OA will beat all (free & Pro) with 100% +10 according to OA forum.

I have switched to PCTFP on my XP desktop because of problems with magicJack with OA. I’m running PCTFP on 64bit Vista due to no 64bit support in OA.

PC Tools,

keep up the good work!

I’m only with Vista internal one… hoping they do not give up to release a firewall ;D

I want to install PC Tools. I also have MagicJakc, may I ask you What are safe settings in the firewall and in the router fierewall?

Do you use a router firewall? the MagicJack recommended port open from 5060 to 5070). it didn’t work for me now I read TCP 443 also need to be opened. I have the verizon router firewall and need the settings for it also I will be installing PC tools.

Any help is appreciated

Works great for me aswell and this is on Win 7 64 bit … :slight_smile:

EDIT: Sorry didn’t see the date of the thread, currently using pc tools …

@StelRV: I don’t use MagicJack so i can’t help you with that, maybe rdmaloyjr can help you with this as he mentioned he uses the program.