PDA update error

Hi All;

My Avast 4 for PDA was working fine until a couple of days ago. Then it started giving me update errors. I uninstalled it and reinstalled but still get the same error.

“InternetOpenUrl_version failed, Error: 0x2efd”

Any idea of how to fix this?

Hello, what’s your connection type (PDA<>Inet) ? Thanks.

The internet connection is through my sync cradle. The Insternet works fine as I can view webpages and such with no trouble. It is just trying to update avast that is the issue.

ok, then i’ll send you a special version to see if it helps - I guess where the problem could be. Sorry for troubles.

Thanks PK.

My email is ironfire @ telus.net


No troubles for my update (PDA through Windows-based updater) :wink:

Hi PH;

Just wondering when i’ll see that special version?

Hi mayakovski, I was solving the same problem with someone else and I expect I’ll know more on Monday; I can also involve you in hunting and I’m about to send you the latest version tonight, thanks.

Only for him? ;D
Why don’t you release as a standard update?

Have same problem as mayakovsky did. Guess it’s been solved. Pls let me know about. Tks.
iPAQ 1940
Win Mobile 2003
ActiveSync through cradle

Hi, please try downloading and installing the latest version (published just today). It should solve the problem.


done as suggested and now it’s all right.