PDF file readers

I’ve been using Adobe’s one for a long time (version 7, because I don’t like the bloated new versions).
But because the version 7 is so old now (and I guess voulnerable too) I’m thinking about changing my
PDF reader. So, what do you suggest, which one is the most easy on resources, most safe, free, etc.?
I would like one with a “direct open function” (like Adobe’s), so that I can open the PDF files I trust
directly from the web sites if possible. Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF…? By the way, I’m using Windows XP.

And how do I properly uninstall Adobe Reader 7? Just the usual uninstall or will there be traces left?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Uninstalling from Add/Remove programs should suffice, I’ve never had any problems with it.

If it doesn’t uninstall properly, you can use Revo Uninstaller to help you get rid of it. http://www.revouninstaller.com/

Many people have suggested Foxit reader as an alternative. It seems to work well.

i found this article(uninstall reader 7) : http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/400/kb400728.html

i use foxit reader.

Thank you for the link! I went to the Foxit forums and read some bad stuff about the new Foxit Reader 3.1. People are saying that it’s bloated, has a toolbar etc. Why are so many companies including those toolbars in their applications nowadays anyway?

ya forgot to mention it.

deselect the tool bar install option and also the ebay short cut icon. else it is okay. make some customizations in that, disable display pdf in browser, disable javascript.

may be they do want to give the application for free.

Yep, NMB said it best. It’s all for advertising revenue. They can offer the program for free, because of the revenue collected from the advertisers.

Of course, just like NMB said, you can just “un-tick” the toolbar installation, and choose not to install it.

Are you using Foxit Reader 3.1 or an older version? Is it much safer to use the new Foxit Reader than the old Adobe Reader 7.0?

Is Foxit Reader easy on resources? Does it have any background running processes?

Is Foxit Reader able to directly open PDF documents from the web (like Adobe Reader)?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

i use 3.1.

foxit is the fastest reader i think. it opens in a blink. easy on resources. no back ground processes.unlike the adobe, foxit will not connect to the internet without your permission. yes it can open pdf directly in browser but i advice not to do so. better save it some where and open it manually. as i said in reply 4, customizing those settings will help you.

I have been using FoxIt reader for some time now, but only just installed Foxit Reader Upgrade so I can’t say if there are any problems with that.

This version has a big fix, so I don’t know if that is the one being talked about.

Foxit Reader has fixed a bug - the reported issue of Foxit Reader crashing when users are viewing certain PDF files has been updated and is no longer a problem.

One thing for sure I won’t go back to Adobe PDF reader.


although I do it a little differently…sumatraPDF portable running from the hard drive…:smiley:

sumatra is not so good at graphics.

Really? Seems to work fine for me…so far I have only used it for the avast! help PDFs and a car brochure which both have a fair amount of graphics…

i think(may be) its because there is no gamma correction.

edit : on gizmo(scroll to sumatrapdf) : http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-non-adobe-pdf-reader.htm

Why? And thank you. :slight_smile:


Few features - it's basically just a viewer, image quality is not the best.

That’s all I want :wink:

because there were exploits which used loop holes in the pdf reader. generally they will be in the wild. so better to turn off javascript option and also view in browser in foxit.

you are welcome.

Uninstallation of Adobr Reader 7.0.9 created a (hidden) empty folder “C:\Congif.Msi”, should I manually remove it?

Other that that I think it’s all gone and now I’m going to install Foxit Reader with customizations, as you told me. :slight_smile:

regarding config.msi, i think yokenny is the best guy to ask for. he might post here (I don’t know).

good that you are switching to foxit. blindly do not install any app. go through all the steps and uncheck which is not required.
you can get your self a really good uninstaller : revo uninstaller (portable)-use the moderate option while uninstalling anything.

I tried to install the latest free Foxit Reader but it automatically installs the toolbar so I cancelled the installation. >:(

Now I don’t know what to do - install Sumatra PDF reader or an older version of Foxit reader… What would be safer? I hope Sumatra has no toolbars, background running processes or similar stuff…

Please help, because I’m unable to view PDF files now. :slight_smile:

YoKenny, would you tell me a bit about that folder? :slight_smile:

Edit: Now I’m really considering installing Sumatra PDF reader. Can you tell me if it’s a safe one (exploits etc.)? Is it safer to use than the Adobe’s old version (7)? Thank you! :slight_smile: