Pegasus mail client

I need a new Antivirus program and am looking for one that will scan Pegasus. Does Avast work with Pegasus? Any information will be appreciated.

Does Avast work with Pegasus?
Avast works with any email client which uses POP3 and SMTP protocols. Setup of some clients is directly supported by AvPopWiz program, others must be configured manually....

Thanks for the speedy reply! I have another question - Does it scan as it is being downloaded from the server or when you open the peice of email itself?

It works as a local server: the client sets the server address to and receives/sends the email from/to there. avast comunicates with client locally and with the original mail server remotely - so it works as a pipe while the message is tranferred to/from the computer…

  1. That is good to hear, I will try ot then. Thanks for your help!