is a new consumer of Avast Pro {purchased for 1 year today} and I ask that settings needs to train for having the automatic scanning of the flashes usb, because’ every day, punctually I find me some usb-pens {of other people} full of worm and virus.
PS I believe both correct {if possible} to always purchase the original SW to give way to the planners to evolve their knowledge and to divulge her.
avast scans the executed (opened, modified…) files regardless of its origin.
To have an usb drive scanned:
USBVirusScan will launch any program you provide as a command line parameter each time a USB stick is inserted. I use it to start a full virus scan on the inserted USB drive:
The command-line that worked for me is:
“\USBVirusScan.exe” -c -i “\avast4\ashQuick.exe” x:
Where you need to change the for the both correct ones and the x: for the letter of your USB drive.
Thanks for the information, now Avast Pro has found the worm in the image in enclosure but he doesn’t succeed in eliminating him, thing he is able’ to do? ???
Let your USB drive plugged and run Autorun Eater or Flash Disinfector, allowing them to clean up all drives. They would create hidden folders named autorun.inf in each partition and every USB drive plugged in when you ran it. These folders protect your drives from future infection. After that, reboot your computer.
You’re welcome. If you want to help me, don’t thank me, just sign up & use (sign up only is not enough) Mozy to get 2,200 Mb for free remote backup system. Enjoy its safety!