Hi, I have the Avast free version (2014.9.0.2021) on my Win 8.1 64bit laptop with Windows Firewall enabled.
When I start a qiuck scan, the scan starts, and the files are being scanned, but the Percentage icon stays at 0 (zero) percent for about one minute before it kicks in.
Also. when I do a Full Scan, the Scan Percentage Icon stays at Zero Percent for about 8 minutes before it kicks in.
All settigs are at defaullt. It this normal, or a bug?
That sounds about right. My main partition (the only one that gets scanned) is 272 GB of which a little over 200 is free space. And I too find that it takes quite a while, during a full system scan (my norm), to advance beyond zero percent. I suspect that at least some of that might be pre-scan background work, e.g. determining how much will actually need scanned given my settings for exclusions, archives, etc.