Percentage Scan Icon

Hi, I have the Avast free version (2014.9.0.2021) on my Win 8.1 64bit laptop with Windows Firewall enabled.

When I start a qiuck scan, the scan starts, and the files are being scanned, but the Percentage icon stays at 0 (zero) percent for about one minute before it kicks in.

Also. when I do a Full Scan, the Scan Percentage Icon stays at Zero Percent for about 8 minutes before it kicks in.

All settigs are at defaullt. It this normal, or a bug?


The answer is probably yes. It all depends on how much is on your HD and what settings you used for the scan you selected.

That sounds about right. My main partition (the only one that gets scanned) is 272 GB of which a little over 200 is free space. And I too find that it takes quite a while, during a full system scan (my norm), to advance beyond zero percent. I suspect that at least some of that might be pre-scan background work, e.g. determining how much will actually need scanned given my settings for exclusions, archives, etc.

8)Thank you both for letting my mind at ease. :slight_smile: