Hi all,
today I scheduled a boot-time scan on my system (Win Vista and Avast 4.7 Pro), but during this the PC is shutdown (I don’t know why) and now at each boot start a boot-scan.
I tried to schedule a new one, but in this way start two scan; so I think that after the “little incident” Avast has not remove the entry in the boot file.
Could you help me to find and modify this file?
Try to schedule it twice (without booting in between). The first could schedule and the second un-schedule.
Maybe even at the first tentative, avast ask if you want to un-schedule, then accept and stop, don’t make the second.
Can you try?
Do you mean that the boot-time scanner started, finished, and then started immediatelly again??
If that’s really the case, please start regedit, navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
and export this key to a file. I’d love to see the content of the BootExecute value.
Thanks guys,
I’ve already tried to schedule and un-schedule, but unfortunately doesn’t work (after that, a boot-scan starts again).
Yes Igor, I mean that starts the first scan - I press “esc” - then starts the second scan…and I press “esc” again
Maybe you’ve find the right key, indeed there is a strange value; where I can send you the .reg file?
Thanks a lot for the help.
------ short preview ------
this is the “strange” value
Strange… I understand why it can’t be removed, but I must say I have no idea how the item got there.
Please remove the line autocheck aswBoot.exe /A:“*” /L:“English” /archives
in regedit and the scheduling should be canceled.
(Normally, the first “word” - autocheck - shouldn’t be there; that’s why avast! can’t unschedule the record correctly, it doesn’t recognize the additional word in the beginning).
How did you schedule the first boot-time scan that wasn’t removed correctly?
OK, I’ve removed the entire record: autocheck aswBoot.exe /A:“*” /L:“English” /archives
and now it’s ok, no more Boot-Time Scan.
The first BTS has been scheduled by the pop-up message appeared at the end of installation.
This asked if I want schedule a BTS at the next boot, and I’ve pressed “Yes”.
But during the BTS my pc was shutdown, and at the next boot the issue is started.
Just, my computer is a notebook and it was power plugged;
maybe the BTS is not recognized as an activity, so it was started an Hibernation procedure…but…it’s strange.
I tried to schedule a BTS - check the registry key - unschedule the BTS, and works properly: only aswBoot.exe /A:“*” /L:“English” /archives was added and removed.
I don’t know, I’ve got another pc with Avast 4.7 Pro and WinXP and I’ve never experienced this kind of problem; it’s true, I’ve never seen a computer hibernating, during a disk scan; maybe Vista added the “autocheck” during the system check at reboot.