I was playing around abit with my Avast! and noticed a few problems and things that I thought that my users on the network shouldn’t have access to on their machines.
When I right clock on the avast! icon in my system tray, I can select Program Settings and are able to make changes to them but if I start the program and have it open and access the Program Settings via that way, then it requires the password. I would figure that it should always require a password.
When you bring up the On-Access Scanner by double clicking on your window, you are able to customize and change the settings that were set through the ADNM, ie. for example, I have URL blocking on, but one can after just remove a certian website from being blocked or turn it off URL blocking completely .
A couple computers keep coming up red showing that they are infected but when I actually go to that computer and run another scan manually, nothing is caught but those computers keep wanting to show up RED on my ADNM.
I could simply be doing something run or forgot too maybe check on one area, any help would be greatly appreciated.